SECOND EDITION Programming App Engine

Dan Sanderson

Beijing • Cambridge • Farnham • Köln • Sebastopol • Tokyo Programming , Second Edition by Dan Sanderson

Copyright © 2013 Dan Sanderson. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.

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1349379394 For Lisa, Sophia, and Maxwell

Table of Contents

Preface ...... xv

1. Introducing Google App Engine ...... 1 The Runtime Environment 1 The Static File Servers 4 The Datastore 5 Entities and Properties 5 Queries and Indexes 6 Transactions 7 The Services 8 Namespaces 10 Google Accounts, OpenID, and OAuth 10 Task Queues and Cron Jobs 11 Developer Tools 12 The Administration Console 13 Things App Engine Doesn’t Do...Yet 14 Getting Started 15

2. Creating an Application ...... 17 Setting Up the SDK 17 Installing the Python SDK 18 Installing the SDK 22 Developing the Application 27 The User Preferences Pattern 27 Developing a Python App 29 Developing a Java App 44 The Development Console 61 Registering the Application 63 The Application ID and Title 64 Setting Up a Domain Name 65 Google Apps and Authentication 67

v Uploading the Application 68 Using Two-Step Verification 69 Introducing the Administration Console 70

3. Configuring an Application ...... 73 The App Engine Architecture 74 Configuring a Python App 76 Runtime Versions 77 Configuring a Java App 77 Domain Names 79 App IDs and Versions 81 App IDs and Versions in Python 82 App IDs and Versions in Java 82 Multithreading 82 Request Handlers 83 Request Handlers in Python 83 Request Handlers in Java 85 Static and Resource Files 86 Static Files in Python 87 Static Files in Java 90 Secure Connections 92 Secure Connections in Python 93 Secure Connections in Java 94 Authorization with Google Accounts 95 Authorization in Python 96 Authorization in Java 96 Environment Variables 97 Inbound Services 97 Custom Error Responses 98 Administration Console Custom Pages 99 More Python Features 100 Python Libraries 100 Built-in Handlers 102 Includes 103 Java Servlet Sessions 104

4. Request Handlers and Instances ...... 107 The Runtime Environment 108 The Sandbox 109 Quotas and Limits 109 The Python Runtime Environment 114 The Java Runtime Environment 116 The Request Handler Abstraction 117

vi | Table of Contents Introducing Instances 118 Request Scheduling and Pending Latency 122 Warm-up Requests 123 Resident Instances 124 The Instances Console 125 Instance Hours and Billing 126 Instance Classes 127

5. Datastore Entities ...... 129 Entities, Keys, and Properties 130 Introducing the Python Datastore API 131 Introducing the Java Datastore API 134 Property Values 137 Strings, Text, and Blobs 138 Unset Versus the Null Value 139 Multivalued Properties 140 Keys and Key Objects 141 Using Entities 143 Getting Entities Using Keys 143 Inspecting Entity Objects 144 Saving Entities 145 Deleting Entities 146 Allocating System IDs 146 The Development Server and the Datastore 148

6. Datastore Queries ...... 151 Queries and Kinds 152 Query Results and Keys 152 GQL 153 The Python Query API 156 The Query Class 156 GQL in Python 158 Retrieving Results 159 Keys-Only Queries 161 The Java Query API 162 Building the Query 163 Fetching Results with PreparedQuery 164 Keys-Only Queries in Java 166 Introducing Indexes 166 Automatic Indexes and Simple Queries 168 All Entities of a Kind 169 One Equality Filter 169 Greater-Than and Less-Than Filters 170

Table of Contents | vii One Sort Order 171 Queries on Keys 173 Kindless Queries 174 Custom Indexes and Complex Queries 175 Multiple Sort Orders 175 Filters on Multiple Properties 176 Multiple Equality Filters 179 Not-Equal and IN Filters 181 Unset and Nonindexed Properties 182 Sort Orders and Value Types 183 Queries and Multivalued Properties 185 A Simple Example 185 MVPs in Python 186 MVPs in Java 187 MVPs and Equality Filters 187 MVPs and Inequality Filters 189 MVPs and Sort Orders 190 Exploding Indexes 191 Query Cursors 192 Cursors in Python 195 Cursors in Java 196 Projection Queries 197 Projection Queries in Python 199 Projection Queries in Java 199 Configuring Indexes 200 Index Configuration for Python 201 Index Configuration for Java 201

7. Datastore Transactions ...... 203 Entities and Entity Groups 205 Keys, Paths, and Ancestors 206 Ancestor Queries 208 What Can Happen in a Transaction 210 Transactional Reads 210 Eventually Consistent Reads 211 Transactions in Python 212 Transactions in Java 214 How Entities Are Updated 219 How Entities Are Read 222 Batch Updates 222 How Indexes Are Updated 223 Cross-Group Transactions 224

viii | Table of Contents 8. Datastore Administration ...... 227 Inspecting the Datastore 227 Managing Indexes 230 The Datastore Admin Panel 232 Accessing Metadata from the App 234 Querying Statistics 234 Querying Metadata 235 Index Status and Queries 236 Entity Group Versions 238 Remote Controls 239 Setting Up the Remote API for Python 240 Setting Up the Remote API for Java 240 Using the Remote Shell Tool 241 Using the Remote API from a Script 242

9. Data Modeling with Python ...... 245 Models and Properties 246 Property Declarations 247 Property Value Types 248 Property Validation 249 Nonindexed Properties 251 Automatic Values 251 List Properties 253 Models and Schema Migration 254 Modeling Relationships 254 One-to-Many Relationships 257 One-to-One Relationships 257 Many-to-Many Relationships 258 Model Inheritance 260 Queries and PolyModels 261 Creating Your Own Property Classes 262 Validating Property Values 263 Marshaling Value Types 264 Customizing Default Values 266 Accepting Arguments 267

10. The Java Persistence API ...... 269 Setting Up JPA 270 Entities and Keys 271 Entity Properties 274 Embedded Objects 275 Saving, Fetching, and Deleting Objects 276 Transactions in JPA 278

Table of Contents | ix Queries and JPQL 279 Relationships 282 For More Information 287

11. The Memory Cache ...... 289 Calling Memcache from Python 290 Calling Memcache from Java 291 Keys and Values 292 Setting Values 293 Setting Values that Expire 293 Adding and Replacing Values 294 Getting Values 295 Deleting Values 295 Locking a Deleted Key 295 Atomic Increment and Decrement 296 Compare and Set 297 Batching Calls to Memcache 299 Memcache Batch Calls in Python 299 Memcache Batch Calls in Java 301 Memcache and the Datastore 302 Handling Memcache Errors 303 Memcache Administration 303 Cache Statistics 305 Flushing the Memcache 305

12. Large Data and the Blobstore ...... 307 Accepting User Uploads 308 Web Forms and MIME Multipart Data 310 Blobstore Upload Requests 312 Handling Uploads in Python 313 Handling Uploads in Java 315 Using BlobInfo Entities 316 Using BlobInfo Entities in Python 317 Using BlobInfo Entities in Java 319 Serving Blobstore Values 320 Serving Blobstore Values in Python 321 Serving Blobstore Values in Java 322 Deleting Blobstore Values 323 Reading Blobstore Values 324 Fetching Byte Ranges 324 Reading Values with Streams 325 A Complete Example 327 A Blobstore Example in Python 328

x | Table of Contents A Blobstore Example in Java 332

13. Fetching URLs and Web Resources ...... 339 Fetching URLs in Python 341 Fetching URLs in Java 342 Outgoing HTTP Requests 344 The URL 344 The HTTP Method and Payload 345 Request Headers 346 HTTP Over SSL (HTTPS) 346 Request and Response Sizes 347 Request Deadlines 348 Handling Redirects 348 Response Objects 349

14. Sending and Receiving Email ...... 351 Sending Email Messages 352 Sending Email from the Development Server 353 Sender Addresses 354 Recipients 356 Attachments 356 Sending Email in Python 357 Sending Email in Java 360 Receiving Email Messages 362 Receiving Email in Python 363 Receiving Email in Java 365

15. Sending and Receiving Instant Messages with XMPP ...... 367 Inviting a User to Chat 369 Sending Invitations in Python 369 Sending Invitations in Java 369 Sending Chat Messages 370 Sending Chat Messages in Python 371 Sending Chat Messages in Java 371 Receiving Chat Messages 373 Receiving Chat Messages in Python 374 Receiving Chat Messages in Java 376 Handling Error Messages 377 Managing Presence 378 Managing Subscriptions 379 Managing Presence Updates 382 Probing for Presence 386 Checking a User’s Status 388

Table of Contents | xi 16. Task Queues and Scheduled Tasks ...... 391 Configuring Task Queues 393 Enqueuing a Task 395 Enqueuing a Task in Python 395 Enqueuing a Task in Java 397 Task Parameters 398 Payloads 398 Task Names 399 Countdowns and ETAs 401 Push Queues 402 Task Requests 402 Processing Rates and Token Buckets 404 Retrying Push Tasks 405 Pull Queues 407 Enqueuing Tasks to Pull Queues 409 Leasing and Deleting Tasks 409 Retrying Pull Queue Tasks 410 Transactional Task Enqueueing 411 Transactional Tasks in Python 413 Transactional Tasks in Java 414 Task Chaining 415 Task Queue Administration 420 Deferring Work 420 Deferring Work in Python 421 Deferring Work in Java 422 Scheduled Tasks 423 Configuring Scheduled Tasks 425 Specifying Schedules 426

17. Optimizing Service Calls ...... 429 Calling Services Asynchronously 430 Asynchronous Calls in Python 432 Asynchronous Calls in Java 440 Visualizing Calls with AppStats 442 Installing AppStats for Python 444 Installing AppStats for Java 446 Using the AppStats Console 447

18. The Framework ...... 451 Using the Bundled Django Library 453 Creating a Django Project 454 Hooking It Up to App Engine 455 Creating a Django App 457 xii | Table of Contents Using Django Templates 458 Using Django Forms 460 The django-nonrel Project 465

19. Managing Request Logs ...... 467 Writing to the Log 468 Logging in Python 468 Logging in Java 469 Viewing Recent Logs 471 Downloading Logs 473 Logs Retention 474 Querying Logs from the App 474 Querying Logs in Python 475 Querying Logs in Java 476 Flushing the Log Buffer 478

20. Deploying and Managing Applications ...... 481 Uploading an Application 482 Using Versions 483 Managing Service Configuration 485 Application Settings 485 Managing Developers 486 Quotas and Billing 487 Getting Help 488

Index ...... 491

Table of Contents | xiii


On the , popularity is swift and fleeting. A mention of your website on a popular blog can bring 300,000 potential customers your way at once, all expecting to find out who you are and what you have to offer. But if you’re a small company just starting out, your hardware and aren’t likely to be able to handle that kind of traffic. Chances are, you’ve sensibly built your site to handle the 30,000 visits per hour you’re actually expecting in your first 6 months. Under heavy load, such a system would be incapable of showing even your company logo to the 270,000 others that showed up to look around. And those potential customers are not likely to come back after the traffic has subsided. The answer is not to spend time and money building a system to serve millions of visitors on the first day, when those same systems are only expected to serve mere thousands per day for the subsequent months. If you delay your launch to build big, you miss the opportunity to improve your product by using feedback from your customers. Building big before allowing customers to use the product risks building something your cus- tomers don’t want. Small companies usually don’t have access to large systems of servers on day one. The best they can do is to build small and hope meltdowns don’t damage their reputation as they try to grow. The lucky ones find their audience, get another round of funding, and halt feature development to rebuild their product for larger capacity. The unlucky ones, well, don’t. But these days, there are other options. Large Internet companies such as, Google, and are leasing parts of their high-capacity systems by using a pay- per-use model. Your website is served from those large systems, which are plenty ca- pable of handling sudden surges in traffic and ongoing success. And since you pay only for what you use, there is no up-front investment that goes to waste when traffic is low. As your customer base grows, the costs grow proportionally. Google App Engine, Google’s application hosting service, does more than just provide access to hardware. It provides a model for building applications that grow automati- cally. App Engine runs your application so that each user who accesses it gets the same experience as every other user, whether there are dozens of simultaneous users or

xv thousands. The application uses the same large-scale services that power Google’s ap- plications for data storage and retrieval, caching, and network access. App Engine takes care of the tasks of large-scale computing, such as load balancing, data replication, and fault tolerance, automatically. The App Engine model really kicks in at the point where a traditional system would outgrow its first database server. With such a system, adding load-balanced web servers and caching layers can get you pretty far, but when your application needs to write data to more than one place, you have a hard problem. This problem is made harder when development up to that point has relied on features of database software that were never intended for data distributed across multiple machines. By thinking about your data in terms of App Engine’s model up front, you save yourself from having to rebuild the whole thing later. Often overlooked as an advantage, App Engine’s execution model helps to distribute computation as well as data. App Engine excels at allocating computing resources to small tasks quickly. This was originally designed for handling web requests from users, where generating a response for the client is the top priority. With App Engine’s task queue service, medium-to-large computational tasks can be broken into chunks that are executed in parallel. Tasks are retried until they succeed, making tasks resilient in the face of service failures. The App Engine execution model encourages designs opti- mized for the parallelization and robustness provided by the platform. Running on Google’s infrastructure means you never have to set up a server, replace a failed hard drive, or troubleshoot a network card. And you don’t have to be woken up in the middle of the night by a screaming pager because an ISP hiccup confused a service alarm. And with automatic scaling, you don’t have to scramble to set up new hardware as traffic increases. Google App Engine lets you focus on your application’s functionality and user expe- rience. You can launch early, enjoy the flood of attention, retain customers, and start improving your product with the help of your users. Your app grows with the size of your audience—up to Google-sized proportions—without having to rebuild for a new architecture. Meanwhile, your competitors are still putting out fires and configuring databases. With this book, you will learn how to develop applications that run on Google App Engine, and how to get the most out of the scalable model. A significant portion of the book discusses the App Engine scalable datastore, which does not behave like the re- lational databases that have been a staple of web development for the past decade. The application model and the datastore together represent a new way of thinking about web applications that, while being almost as simple as the model we’ve known, requires reconsidering a few principles we often take for granted. This book introduces the major features of App Engine, including the scalable services (such as for sending email and manipulating images), tools for deploying and managing applications, and features for integrating your application with Google Accounts and xvi | Preface Google Apps using your own domain name. The book also discusses techniques for optimizing your application, using task queues and offline processes, and otherwise getting the most out of Google App Engine.

Using This Book App Engine supports three technology stacks for building web applications: Java, Python, and Go (a new programming language invented at Google). The Java technol- ogy stack lets you develop web applications by using the Java programming language (or most other languages that compile to Java bytecode or have a JVM-based inter- preter) and Java web technologies such as servlets and JSPs. The Python technology stack provides a fast interpreter for the Python programming language, and is compat- ible with several major open source web application frameworks such as Django. The Go runtime environment compiles your Go code on the server and executes it at native CPU speeds. This book covers concepts that apply to all three technology stacks, as well as important language-specific subjects for Java and Python. If you’ve already decided which lan- guage you’re going to use, you probably won’t be interested in information that doesn’t apply to that language. This poses a challenge for a printed book: how should the text be organized so information about one technology doesn’t interfere with information about the other? Foremost, we’ve tried to organize the chapters by the major concepts that apply to all App Engine applications. Where necessary, chapters split into separate sections to talk about specifics for Python and Java. In cases where an example in one language illus- trates a concept equally well for other languages, the example is given in Python. If Python is not your language of choice, hopefully you’ll be able to glean the equivalent information from other parts of the book or from the official App Engine documenta- tion on Google’s website. As of this writing, the Go runtime environment is released as an “experimental” feature, and the API may be changing rapidly. The language has stabilized at version 1, so if you’re interested in Go, I highly recommend visiting the Go website and the Go App Engine documentation. We are figuring out how to best add material on Go to a future edition of this book. The datastore is a large enough subject that it gets multiple chapters to itself. Starting with Chapter 5, datastore concepts are introduced alongside Python and Java APIs related to those concepts. Python examples use the ext.db data modeling library, and Java examples use the Java datastore API, both provided in the App Engine SDK. Some Java developers may prefer a higher-level data modeling library such as the Java Per- sistence API, which supports fewer features of the datastore but can be adapted to run on other database solutions. We discuss data modeling libraries separately, in Chap- ter 9 for Python, and in Chapter 10 for Java.

Preface | xvii This book has the following chapters: Chapter 1, Introducing Google App Engine A high-level overview of Google App Engine and its components, tools, and major features. Chapter 2, Creating an Application An introductory tutorial for both Python and Java, including instructions on setting up a development environment, using template engines to build web pages, setting up accounts and domain names, and deploying the application to App Engine. The tutorial application demonstrates the use of several App Engine features—Google Accounts, the datastore, and memcache—to implement a pattern common to many web applications: storing and retrieving user preferences. Chapter 3, Configuring an Application A description of how App Engine handles incoming requests, and how to configure this behavior. This introduces App Engine’s architecture, the various features of the frontend, app servers, and static file servers. The frontend routes requests to the app servers and the static file servers, and manages secure connections and Google Accounts authentication and authorization. This chapter also discusses quotas and limits, and how to raise them by setting a budget. Chapter 4, Request Handlers and Instances A closer examination of how App Engine runs your code. App Engine routes in- coming web requests to request handlers. Request handlers run in long-lived con- tainers called instances. App Engine creates and destroys instances to accommo- date the needs of your traffic. You can make better use of your instances by writing threadsafe code and enabling the multithreading feature. Chapter 5, Datastore Entities The first of several chapters on the App Engine datastore, a scalable object data storage system with support for local transactions and two modes of consistency guarantees (strong and eventual). This chapter introduces data entities, keys and properties, and Python and Java APIs for creating, updating, and deleting entities. Chapter 6, Datastore Queries An introduction to datastore queries and indexes, and the Python and Java APIs for queries. The App Engine datastore’s query engine uses prebuilt indexes for all queries. This chapter describes the features of the query engine in detail, and how each feature uses indexes. The chapter also discusses how to define and manage indexes for your application’s queries. Recent features like query cursors and pro- jection queries are also covered. Chapter 7, Datastore Transactions How to use transactions to keep your data consistent. The App Engine datastore uses local transactions in a scalable environment. Your app arranges its entities in units of transactionality known as entity groups. This chapter attempts to provide a complete explanation of how the datastore updates data, and how to design your

xviii | Preface data and your app to best take advantage of these features. This edition contains updated material on the “High Replication” datastore infrastructure, and new fea- tures such as cross-group transactions. Chapter 8, Datastore Administration Managing and evolving your app’s datastore data. The Administration Console, AppCfg tools, and administrative APIs provide a myriad of views of your data, and information about your data (metadata and statistics). You can access much of this information programmatically, so you can build your own administration panels. This chapter also discusses how to use the Remote API, a proxy for building ad- ministrative tools that run on your local computer but access the live services for your app. Chapter 9, Data Modeling with Python How to use the Python ext.db data modeling API to enforce invariants in your data schema. The datastore itself is schemaless, a fundamental aspect of its scalability. You can automate the enforcement of data schemas by using App Engine’s data modeling interface. This chapter covers Python exclusively, though Java develop- ers may wish to skim it for advice related to data modeling. Chapter 10, The Java Persistence API A brief introduction to the Java Persistence API (JPA), how its concepts translate to the datastore, how to use it to model data schemas, and how using it makes your application easier to port to other environments. JPA is a Java EE standard inter- face. App Engine also supports another standard interface known as (JDO), although JDO is not covered in this book. This chapter covers Java exclusively. Chapter 11, The Memory Cache App Engine’s memory cache service (“memcache”), and its Python and Java APIs. Aggressive caching is essential for high-performance web applications. Chapter 12, Large Data and the Blobstore How to use App Engine’s Blobstore service to accept and serve amounts of data of unlimited size—or at least, as large as your budget allows. The Blobstore can accept large file uploads from users, and serve large values as responses. An app can also create, append to, and read byte ranges from these very large values, opening up possibilities beyond serving files. Chapter 13, Fetching URLs and Web Resources How to access other resources on the Internet via HTTP by using the URL Fetch service. This chapter covers the Python and Java interfaces, including implemen- tations of standard URL fetching libraries. It also describes how to call the URL Fetch service asynchronously, in Python and in Java. Chapter 14, Sending and Receiving Email Messages How to use App Engine services to send email. This chapter covers receiving email relayed by App Engine by using request handlers. It also discusses creating and processing messages by using tools in the API.

Preface | xix Chapter 15, Sending and Receiving Instant Messages with XMPP How to use App Engine services to send instant messages to XMPP-compatible services (such as Google Talk), and receive XMPP messages via request handlers. This chapter discusses several major XMPP activities, including managing pres- ence. Chapter 16, Task Queues and Scheduled Tasks How to perform work outside of user requests by using task queues. Task queues perform tasks in parallel by running your code on multiple application servers. You control the processing rate with configuration. Tasks can also be executed on a regular schedule with no user interaction. Chapter 17, Optimizing Service Calls A summary of optimization techniques, plus detailed information on how to make asynchronous service calls, so your app can continue doing work while services process data in the background. This chapter also describes AppStats, an important tool for visualizing your app’s service call behavior and finding performance bot- tlenecks. Chapter 18, The Django Web Application Framework How to use the Django web application framework with the Python runtime en- vironment. This chapter discusses setting up a project by using the Django 1.3 library included in the runtime environment, and using Django features such as component composition, URL mapping, views, and templating. With a little help from an App Engine library, you can even use Django forms with App Engine datastore models. The chapter ends with a brief discussion of django-nonrel, an open source project to connect more pieces of Django to App Engine. Chapter 19, Managing Request Logs Everything you need to know about logging messages, browsing and searching log data in the Administration Console, and managing and downloading log data. This chapter also introduces the Logs API, which lets you manage logs programmatically within the app itself. Chapter 20, Deploying and Managing Applications How to upload and run your app on App Engine, how to update and test an ap- plication using app versions, and how to manage and inspect the running appli- cation. This chapter also introduces other maintenance features of the Adminis- tration Console, including billing. The chapter concludes with a list of places to go for help and further reading.

Conventions Used in This Book The following typographical conventions are used in this book: Italic Indicates new terms, URLs, email addresses, filenames, and file extensions.

xx | Preface Constant width Used for program listings, as well as within paragraphs to refer to program elements such as variable or function names, databases, data types, environment variables, statements, and keywords. Constant width bold Shows commands or other text that should be typed literally by the user. Constant width italic Shows text that should be replaced with user-supplied values or by values deter- mined by context.

This icon signifies a tip, suggestion, or general note.

This icon indicates a warning or caution.

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Acknowledgments I am indebted to the App Engine team for their constant support of this book since its inception in 2008. The number of contributors to App Engine has grown too large for me to list them individually, but I’m grateful to them all for their vision, their creativity, xxii | Preface and their work, and for letting me be a part of it. I especially want to thank Kevin Gibbs, who was App Engine’s tech lead through both the first and second editions. The first edition of the book was developed under the leadership of Paul McDonald and Pete Koomen. Ryan Barrett provided many hours of conversation and detailed technical review. Max Ross and Rafe Kaplan contributed material and extensive review to the datastore chapters. Thanks to Matthew Blain, Michael Davidson, Alex Gaysin- sky, Peter McKenzie, Don Schwarz, and Jeffrey Scudder for reviewing portions of the first edition in detail, as well as Sean Lynch, Brett Slatkin, Mike Repass, and for their support. For the second edition, I want to thank Peter Magnusson, Greg ’alesandre, Tom Van Waardhuizen, Mike Aizatsky, Wesley Chun, Johan Eu- phrosine, Alfred Fuller, Andrew Gerrand, Sebastian Kreft, Moishe Lettvin, John Mul- hausen, Robert Schuppenies, David Symonds, and Eric Willigers. Thanks also to Steven Hines, David McLaughlin, Mike Winton, Andres Ferrate, Dan Morrill, Mark Pilgrim, Steffi Wu, Karen Wickre, Jane Penner, Jon Murchinson, Tom Stocky, , Bill Coughran, and Alan Eustace. At O’Reilly, I’d like to thank Michael Loukides and Meghan Blanchette for giving me this opportunity and helping me see it through to the end, twice. I dedicate this book to Google’s site-reliability engineers. It is they who carry the pagers, so we don’t have to. We are forever grateful.

Preface | xxiii

CHAPTER 1 Introducing Google App Engine

Google App Engine is a web application hosting service. By “web application,” we mean an application or service accessed over the Web, usually with a web browser: storefronts with shopping carts, social networking sites, multiplayer games, mobile applications, survey applications, project management, collaboration, publishing, and all the other things we’re discovering are good uses for the Web. App Engine can serve traditional website content too, such as documents and images, but the environment is especially designed for real-time dynamic applications. In particular, Google App Engine is designed to host applications with many simulta- neous users. When an application can serve many simultaneous users without degrad- ing performance, we say it scales. Applications written for App Engine scale automat- ically. As more people use the application, App Engine allocates more resources for the application and manages the use of those resources. The application itself does not need to know anything about the resources it is using. Unlike traditional web hosting or self-managed servers, with Google App Engine, you only pay for the resources you use. These resources are measured down to the gigabyte. Billed resources include CPU usage, storage per month, incoming and outgoing band- width, and several resources specific to App Engine services. To help you get started, every developer gets a certain amount of resources for free, enough for small applica- tions with low traffic. App Engine can be described as three parts: application instances, scalable data storage, and scalable services. In this chapter, we look at each of these parts at a high level. We also discuss features of App Engine for deploying and managing web applications, and for building websites integrated with other Google offerings such as Google Apps, Google Accounts, and Google Storage.

The Runtime Environment An App Engine application responds to web requests. A web request begins when a client, typically a user’s web browser, contacts the application with an HTTP request,

1 such as to fetch a web page at a URL. When App Engine receives the request, it identifies the application from the domain name of the address, either an subdo- main (provided for free with every app) or a subdomain of a custom domain name you have registered and set up with Google Apps. App Engine selects a server from many possible servers to handle the request, making its selection based on which server is most likely to provide a fast response. It then calls the application with the content of the HTTP request, receives the response data from the application, and returns the response to the client. From the application’s perspective, the runtime environment springs into existence when the request handler begins, and disappears when it ends. App Engine provides several methods for storing data that persists between requests, but these mechanisms live outside of the runtime environment. By not retaining state in the runtime environ- ment between requests—or at least, by not expecting that state will be retained between requests—App Engine can distribute traffic among as many servers as it needs to give every request the same treatment, regardless of how much traffic it is handling at one time. In the complete picture, App Engine allows runtime environments to outlive request handlers, and will reuse environments as much as possible to avoid unnecessary initi- alization. Each instance of your application has local memory for caching imported code and initialized data structures. App Engine creates and destroys instances as needed to accommodate your app’s traffic. If you enable the multithreading feature, a single instance can handle multiple requests concurrently, further utilizing its resour- ces. Application code cannot access the server on which it is running in the traditional sense. An application can read its own files from the filesystem, but it cannot write to files, and it cannot read files that belong to other applications. An application can see envi- ronment variables set by App Engine, but manipulations of these variables do not nec- essarily persist between requests. An application cannot access the networking facilities of the server hardware, although it can perform networking operations by using serv- ices. In short, each request lives in its own “sandbox.” This allows App Engine to handle a request with the server that would, in its estimation, provide the fastest response. For web requests to the app, there is no way to guarantee that the same app instance will handle two requests, even if the requests come from the same client and arrive relatively quickly. Sandboxing also allows App Engine to run multiple applications on the same server without the behavior of one application affecting another. In addition to limiting access to the operating system, the runtime environment also limits the amount of clock time and memory a single request can take. App Engine keeps these limits flexible, and applies stricter limits to applications that use up more resources to protect shared re- sources from “runaway” applications.

2 | Chapter 1: Introducing Google App Engine A request handler has up to 60 seconds to return a response to the client. While that may seem like a comfortably large amount for a web app, App Engine is optimized for applications that respond in less than a second. Also, if an application uses many CPU cycles, App Engine may slow it down so the app isn’t hogging the processor on a ma- chine serving multiple apps. A CPU-intensive request handler may take more clock time to complete than it would if it had exclusive use of the processor, and clock time may vary as App Engine detects patterns in CPU usage and allocates accordingly. Google App Engine provides three possible runtime environments for applications: a Java environment, a Python environment, and an environment based on the Go lan- guage (a new systems language developed at Google). The environment you choose depends on the language and related technologies you want to use for developing the application. The Java environment runs applications built for the Java 6 Virtual Machine (JVM). An app can be developed using the Java programming language, or most other lan- guages that compile to or otherwise run in the JVM, such as PHP (using Quercus), Ruby (using JRuby), JavaScript (using the Rhino interpreter), Scala, Groovy, and Clo- jure. The app accesses the environment and services by using interfaces based on web industry standards, including Java servlets and the Java Persistence API (JPA). Any Java technology that functions within the sandbox restrictions can run on App Engine, making it suitable for many existing frameworks and libraries. Notably, App Engine fully supports (GWT), a framework for rich web applications that lets you write all the app’s code—including the user interface that runs in the browser —in the Java language, and have your rich graphical app work with all major browsers without plug-ins. The Python environment runs apps written in the Python 2.7 programming language, using a custom version of CPython, the official Python interpreter. App Engine invokes a Python app using WSGI, a widely supported application interface standard. An ap- plication can use most of Python’s large and excellent standard library, as well as rich APIs and libraries for accessing services and modeling data. Many open source Python web application frameworks work with App Engine, such as Django, , Pyramid, and . App Engine even includes a lightweight framework of its own, called webapp. All three runtime environments use the same application server model: a request is routed to an app server, an application instance is initialized (if necessary), application code is invoked to handle the request and produce a response, and the response is returned to the client. Each environment runs application code within sandbox re- strictions, such that any attempt to use a feature of the language or a library that would require access outside of the sandbox returns an error. You can configure many aspects of how instances are created, destroyed, and initial- ized. How you configure your app depends on your need to balance monetary cost against performance. If you prefer performance to cost, you can configure your app to

The Runtime Environment | 3 run many instances and start new ones aggressively to handle demand. If you have a limited budget, you can adjust the limits that control how requests queue up to use a minimum number of instances. I haven’t said anything about which operating system or hardware configuration App Engine uses. There are ways to figure out what operating system or hardware a server is using, but in the end it doesn’t matter: the runtime environment is an abstraction above the operating system that allows App Engine to manage resource allocation, computation, request handling, scaling, and load distribution without the application’s involvement. Features that typically require knowledge of the operating system are either provided by services outside of the runtime environment, provided or emulated using standard library calls, or restricted in sensible ways within the definition of the sandbox. Everything stated above describes how App Engine allocates application instances dy- namically to scale with your application’s traffic. You can also run code on specialized instances that you allocate and deallocate manually, known as “backends” (or simply, “servers”). These specialized instances are well-suited to background jobs and custom services, and have their own parameters for how they execute code. They do not, how- ever, scale automatically: once you reach the capacity of a server, it’s up to your code to decide what happens next. Backends are a relatively new feature of App Engine, and this architecture is still evolving. We do not cover this feature in detail in this edition of this book.

The Static File Servers Most websites have resources they deliver to browsers that do not change during the regular operation of the site. The images and CSS files that describe the appearance of the site, the JavaScript code that runs in the browser, and HTML files for pages without dynamic components are examples of these resources, collectively known as static files. Since the delivery of these files doesn’t involve application code, it’s unnecessary and inefficient to serve them from the application servers. Instead, App Engine provides a separate set of servers dedicated to delivering static files. These servers are optimized for both internal architecture and network topology to handle requests for static resources. To the client, static files look like any other resource served by your app. You upload the static files of your application right alongside the application code. You can configure several aspects of how static files are served, including the URLs for static files, content types, and instructions for browsers to keep copies of the files in a cache for a given amount of time to reduce traffic and speed up rendering of the page.

4 | Chapter 1: Introducing Google App Engine The Datastore Most useful web applications need to store information during the handling of a request for retrieval during a later request. A typical arrangement for a small website involves a single database server for the entire site, and one or more web servers that connect to the database to store or retrieve data. Using a single central database server makes it easy to have one canonical representation of the data, so multiple users accessing mul- tiple web servers all see the same and most recent information. But a central server is difficult to scale once it reaches its capacity for simultaneous connections. By far the most popular kind of data storage system for web applications in the past two decades has been the relational database, with of rows and columns arranged for space efficiency and concision, and with indexes and raw computing power for performing queries, especially “join” queries that can treat multiple related records as a queryable unit. Other kinds of data storage systems include hierarchical datastores (filesystems, XML databases) and object databases. Each kind of database has pros and cons, and which type is best suited for an application depends on the nature of the application’s data and how it is accessed. And each kind of database has its own tech- niques for growing past the first server. Google App Engine’s database system most closely resembles an object database. It is not a join-query relational database, and if you come from the world of relational- database-backed web applications (as I did), this will probably require changing the way you think about your application’s data. As with the runtime environment, the design of the App Engine datastore is an abstraction that allows App Engine to handle the details of distributing and scaling the application, so your code can focus on other things.

Entities and Properties An App Engine application stores its data as one or more datastore entities. An entity has one or more properties, each of which has a name, and a value that is of one of several primitive value types. Each entity is of a named kind, which categorizes the entity for the purpose of queries. At first glance, this seems similar to a relational database: entities of a kind are like rows in a table, and properties are like columns (fields). However, there are two major dif- ferences between entities and rows. First, an entity of a given kind is not required to have the same properties as other entities of the same kind. Second, an entity can have a property of the same name as another entity has, but with a different type of value. In this way, datastore entities are “schemaless.” As you’ll soon see, this design provides both powerful flexibility as well as some maintenance challenges. Another difference between an entity and a table row is that an entity can have multiple values for a single property. This feature is a bit quirky, but can be quite useful once understood.

The Datastore | 5 Every datastore entity has a unique key that is either provided by the application or generated by App Engine (your choice). Unlike a relational database, the key is not a “field” or property, but an independent aspect of the entity. You can fetch an entity quickly if you know its key, and you can perform queries on key values. An entity’s key cannot be changed after the entity has been created. Neither can its kind. App Engine uses the entity’s kind and key to help determine where the entity is stored in a large collection of servers—although neither the key nor the kind ensure that two entities are stored on the same server.

Queries and Indexes A datastore query returns zero or more entities of a single kind. It can also return just the keys of entities that would be returned for a query. A query can filter based on conditions that must be met by the values of an entity’s properties, and can return entities ordered by property values. A query can also filter and sort using keys. In a typical relational database, queries are planned and executed in real time against the data tables, which are stored just as they were designed by the developer. The developer can also tell the database to produce and maintain indexes on certain col- umns to speed up certain queries. App Engine does something dramatically different. With App Engine, every query has a corresponding index maintained by the datastore. When the application performs a query, the datastore finds the index for that query, scans down to the first row that matches the query, then returns the entity for each consecutive row in the index until the first row that doesn’t match the query. Of course, this requires that App Engine know ahead of time which queries the appli- cation is going to perform. It doesn’t need to know the values of the filters in advance, but it does need to know the kind of entity to query, the properties being filtered or sorted, and the operators of the filters and the orders of the sorts. App Engine provides a set of indexes for simple queries by default, based on which properties exist on entities of a kind. For more complex queries, an app must include index specifications in its configuration. The App Engine SDK helps produce this con- figuration file by watching which queries are performed as you test your application with the provided development web server on your computer. When you upload your app, the datastore knows to make indexes for every query the app performed during testing. You can also edit the index configuration manually. When your application creates new entities and updates existing ones, the datastore updates every corresponding index. This makes queries very fast (each query is a simple table scan) at the expense of entity updates (possibly many tables may need updating for a single change). In fact, the performance of an index-backed query is not affected by the number of entities in the datastore, only the size of the result set.

6 | Chapter 1: Introducing Google App Engine It’s worth paying attention to indexes, as they take up space and increase the time it takes to update entities. We discuss indexes in detail in Chapter 6.

Transactions When an application has many clients attempting to read or write the same data si- multaneously, it is imperative that the data always be in a consistent state. One user should never see half-written data or data that doesn’t make sense because another user’s action hasn’t completed. When an application updates the properties of a single entity, App Engine ensures that either every update to the entity succeeds all at once, or the entire update fails and the entity remains the way it was prior to the beginning of the update. Other users do not see any effects of the change until the change succeeds. In other words, an update of a single entity occurs in a transaction. Each transaction is atomic: the transaction either succeeds completely or fails completely, and cannot suc- ceed or fail in smaller pieces. An application can read or update multiple entities in a single transaction, but it must tell App Engine which entities will be updated together when it creates the entities. The application does this by creating entities in entity groups. App Engine uses entity groups to control how entities are distributed across servers, so it can guarantee a transaction on a group succeeds or fails completely. In database terms, the App Engine datastore natively supports local transactions. When an application calls the datastore API to update an entity, the call returns only after the transaction succeeds or fails, and it returns with knowledge of success or failure. For updates, this means the service waits for all entities to be updated before returning a result. The application can call the datastore asynchronously, such that the app code can continue executing while the datastore is preparing a result. But the up- date itself does not return until it has confirmed the change. If a user tries to update an entity while another user’s update of the entity is in progress, the datastore returns immediately with a contention failure exception. Imagine the two users “contending” for a single piece of data; the first user to commit an update wins. The other user must try her operation again, possibly rereading values and calculating the update from fresh data. Contention is expected, so retries are common. In database terms, App Engine uses optimistic concurrency control: each user is “optimistic” that her commit will succeed, so she does so without placing a lock on the data. Reading the entity never fails due to contention. The application just sees the entity in its most recent stable state. You can also read multiple entities from the same entity group by using a transaction to ensure that all the data in the group is current and consistent with itself.

The Datastore | 7 In most cases, retrying a transaction on a contested entity will succeed. But if an ap- plication is designed such that many users might update a single entity, the more pop- ular the application gets, the more likely users will get contention failures. It is impor- tant to design entity groups to avoid a high rate of contention failures even with a large number of users. It is often important to read and write data in the same transaction. For example, the application can start a transaction, read an entity, update a property value based on the last read value, save the entity, and then commit the transaction. In this case, the save action does not occur unless the entire transaction succeeds without conflict with another transaction. If there is a conflict and the app wants to try again, the app should retry the entire transaction: read the (possibly updated) entity again, use the new value for the calculation, and attempt the update again. By including the read operation in the transaction, the datastore can assume that related writes and reads from multiple simultaneous requests do not interleave and produce inconsistent results. With indexes and optimistic concurrency control, the App Engine datastore is designed for applications that need to read data quickly, ensure that the data it sees is in a con- sistent form, and scale the number of users and the size of the data automatically. While these goals are somewhat different from those of a relational database, they are espe- cially well suited to web applications.

The Services The datastore’s relationship with the runtime environment is that of a service: the ap- plication uses an API to access a separate system that manages all its own scaling needs separately from application instances. Google App Engine includes several other self- scaling services useful for web applications. The memory cache (or memcache) service is a short-term key-value storage service. Its main advantage over the datastore is that it is fast, much faster than the datastore for simple storage and retrieval. The memcache stores values in memory instead of on disk for faster access. It is distributed like the datastore, so every request sees the same set of keys and values. However, it is not persistent like the datastore: if a server goes down, such as during a power failure, memory is erased. It also has a more limited sense of atomicity and transactionality than the datastore. As the name implies, the memcache service is best used as a cache for the results of frequently performed queries or calcu- lations. The application checks for a cached value, and if the value isn’t there, it per- forms the query or calculation and stores the value in the cache for future use. App Engine provides a storage system for large values called the Blobstore. Your app can use the Blobstore to store, manage, and serve large files, such as images, videos, or file downloads. The Blobstore can also accept large files uploaded by users and offline processes. This service is distinct from the datastore to work around infrastructure limits on request and response sizes between users, application servers, and services.

8 | Chapter 1: Introducing Google App Engine Application code can read values from the Blobstore in chunks that fit within these limits. Code can also query for metadata about Blobstore values. App Engine applications can access other web resources using the URL Fetch service. The service makes HTTP requests to other servers on the Internet, such as to retrieve pages or interact with web services. Since remote servers can be slow to respond, the URL Fetch API supports fetching URLs in the background while a request handler does other things, but in all cases the fetch must start and finish within the request handler’s lifetime. The application can also set a deadline, after which the call is canceled if the remote host hasn’t responded. App Engine applications can send messages using the Mail service. Messages can be sent on behalf of the application or on behalf of the user who made the request that is sending the email (if the message is from the user). Many web applications use email to notify users, confirm user actions, and validate contact information. An application can also receive email messages. If an app is configured to receive email, a message sent to the app’s address is routed to the Mail service, which delivers the message to the app in the form of an HTTP request to a request handler. App Engine applications can send and receive instant messages to and from chat serv- ices that support the XMPP protocol, including Google Talk. An app sends an XMPP chat message by calling the XMPP service. As with incoming email, when someone sends a message to the app’s address, the XMPP service delivers it to the app by calling a request handler. You can accomplish real-time two-way communication directly with a web browser using the Channel service, a clever implementation of the model of browser app communication. Channels allow browsers to keep a network connection open with a remote host to receive real-time messages long after a web page has finished loading. App Engine fits this into its request-based processing model by using a service: browsers do not connect directly to application servers, but instead connect to “channels” via a service. When an application decides to send a message to a client (or set of clients) during its normal processing, it calls the Channel service with the message. The service handles broadcasting the message to clients, and manages open connections. Paired with web requests for messages from clients to apps, the Channel service provides real- time browser messaging without expensive polling. App Engine includes a JavaScript client so your code in the browser can connect to channels. The image processing service can do lightweight transformations of image data, such as to make thumbnail images of uploaded photos. The image processing tasks are per- formed using the same infrastructure Google uses to process images with some of its other products, so the results come back quickly. This service includes special support for interacting with large data objects stored in the Blobstore, so it can operate on large image files uploaded by users.

The Services | 9 Neither the Channel service nor the Images service are discussed in this book. See the official App Engine website for more information about these services. As of the printing of this edition, App Engine has several compelling new services under development, some available for public beta testing. The Search service in particular may prove to be a major part of docu- ment-oriented websites and apps in the near future. Because these serv- ices are still being developed and may change, they too have been omit- ted from this edition. Again, see the official site for the latest.

Namespaces The datastore, Blobstore, and memcache together store data for an app. It’s often useful to partition an app’s data on a global scale. For example, an app may be serving multiple companies, where each company is to see its own isolated instance of the application, and no company should see any data that belongs to any other company. You could implement this partitioning in the application code, using a company ID as the prefix to every key. But this is prone to error: a bug in the code may expose or modify data from another partition. To better serve this case, App Engine provides this partitioning feature at the infra- structure level. An app can declare it is acting in a namespace by calling an API. All subsequent uses of any of the data services will restrict itself to the namespace auto- matically. The app does not need to keep track of which namespace it is in after the initial declaration. The default namespace has a name equal to the empty string. This namespace is distinct from other namespaces. (There is no “global” namespace.) All data belongs to a name- space. See the official documentation for more information on the namespace feature.

Google Accounts, OpenID, and OAuth App Engine features integration with Google Accounts, the user account system used by Google applications such as Google Mail, , and . You can use Google Accounts as your app’s account system, so you don’t have to build your own. And if your users already have Google accounts, they can sign in to your app using their existing accounts, with no need to create new accounts just for your app. Google Accounts is especially useful for developing applications for your company or organization using Google Apps. With Google Apps, your organization’s members can use the same account to access your custom applications as well as their email, calendar, and documents.

10 | Chapter 1: Introducing Google App Engine Of course, there is no obligation to use Google Accounts. You can always build your own account system, or use an OpenID provider. App Engine includes special support for using OpenID providers in some of the same ways you can use Google Accounts. This is useful when building applications for the Google Apps Marketplace, which uses OpenID to integrate with enterprise single sign-on services. App Engine includes built-in support for OAuth, a protocol that makes it possible for users to grant permission to third-party applications to access personal data in another service, without having to share her account credentials with the third party. For in- stance, a user might grant a mobile phone application access to her Google Calendar account, to read appointment data and create new appointments on her behalf. App Engine’s OAuth support makes it straightforward to implement an OAuth service for other apps to use. Note that the built-in OAuth feature only works when using Google Accounts, not OpenID or a proprietary identity mechanism. There is no custom support for implementing an OAuth client in an App Engine app, but there are OAuth client libraries for Python and Java that work fine with App Engine.

Task Queues and Cron Jobs A web application has to respond to web requests very quickly, usually in less than a second and preferably in just a few dozen milliseconds, to provide a smooth experience to the user sitting in front of the browser. This doesn’t give the application much time to do work. Sometimes, there is more work to do than there is time to do it. In such cases it’s usually OK if the work gets done within a few seconds, minutes, or hours, instead of right away, as the user is waiting for a response from the server. But the user needs a guarantee that the work will get done. For this kind of work, an App Engine app uses task queues. Task queues let you describe work to be done at a later time, outside the scope of the web request. Queues ensure that every task gets done eventually. If a task fails, the queue retries the task until it succeeds. There are two kinds of task queues: push queues, and pull queues. With push queues, each task record represents an HTTP request to a request handler. App Engine issues these requests itself as it processes a push queue. You can configure the rate at which push queues are processed to spread the workload throughout the day. With pull queues, you provide the mechanism, such as a custom computational engine, that takes task records off the queue and does the work. App Engine manages the queuing aspect of pull queues. A push queue performs a task by calling a request handler. It can include a data payload provided by the code that created the task, delivered to the task’s handler as an HTTP request. The task’s handler is subject to the same limits as other request handlers, with one important exception: a single task handler can take as long as 10 minutes to perform a task, instead of the 60 second limit applied to user requests. It’s still useful to divide

Task Queues and Cron Jobs | 11 work into small tasks to take advantage of parallelization and queue throughput, but the higher time limit makes tasks easier to write in straightforward cases. An especially powerful feature of task queues is the ability to enqueue a task within a datastore transaction. This ensures that the task will be enqueued only if the rest of the datastore transaction succeeds. You can use transactional tasks to perform additional datastore operations that must be consistent with the transaction eventually, but that do not need the strong consistency guarantees of the datastore’s local transactions. App Engine has another service for executing tasks at specific times of the day, called the scheduled tasks service. Scheduled tasks are also known as “cron jobs,” a name borrowed from a similar feature of the Unix operating system. The scheduled tasks service can invoke a request handler at a specified time of the day, week, or month, based on a schedule you provide when you upload your application. Scheduled tasks are useful for doing regular maintenance or sending periodic notification messages. We’ll look at task queues and scheduling and some powerful uses for them in Chap- ter 16.

Developer Tools Google provides free tools for developing App Engine applications in Java or Python. You can download the kit (SDK) for your chosen language and your computer’s operating system from Google’s website. Java users can get the Java SDK in the form of a plug-in for the Eclipse integrated development environment. Python developers using Windows or Mac OS X can get the Python SDK in the form of a GUI application. Both SDKs are also available as ZIP archives of command-line tools, for using directly or integrating into your development environment or build system. Each SDK includes a development web server that runs your application on your local computer and simulates the runtime environment, the datastore, the services, and task queues. The development server automatically detects changes in your source files and reloads them as needed, so you can keep the server running while you develop the application. If you’re using Eclipse, you can run the Java development server in the interactive de- bugger, and can set breakpoints in your application code. You can also use Eclipse for Python app development by using PyDev, an Eclipse extension that includes an inter- active Python debugger. (Using PyDev is not covered in this book, but there are in- structions on Google’s site. Also check out my webcast of June 14, 2012, entitled “Python for Google App Engine,” linked from the book’s website.) The development version of the datastore can automatically generate configuration for query indexes as the application performs queries, which App Engine will use to

12 | Chapter 1: Introducing Google App Engine prebuild indexes for those queries. You can turn this feature off for testing whether queries have appropriate indexes in the configuration. The development web server includes a built-in web application for inspecting the contents of the (simulated) datastore. You can also create new datastore entities using this interface for testing purposes. Each SDK also includes a tool for interacting with the application running on App Engine. Primarily, you use this tool to upload your application code to App Engine. You can also use this tool to download log data from your live application, or manage the live application’s datastore indexes and service configuration. The Python and Java SDKs include a feature you can install in your app for secure remote programmatic access to your live application. The Python SDK includes tools that use this feature for bulk data operations, such as uploading new data from a text file and downloading large amounts of data for backup or migration purposes. The SDK also includes a Python interactive command-line shell for testing, debugging, and manually manipulating live data. These tools are in the Python SDK, but also work with Java apps by using the Java version of the remote access feature. You can write your own scripts and programs that use the remote access feature for large-scale data transformations or other maintenance. But wait, there’s more! The SDKs also include libraries for automated testing, and gathering reports on application performance. We’ll cover one such tool, AppStats, in Chapter 17. (For Python unit testing, see again the aforementioned “Python for Google App Engine” webcast.)

The Administration Console When your application is ready for its public debut, you create an administrator ac- count and set up the application on App Engine. You use your administrator account to create and manage the application, view its resource usage statistics and message logs, and more, all with a web-based interface called the Administration Console. You sign in to the Administration Console by using your . You can use your current Google account if you have one. You may also want to create a Google account just for your application, which you might use as the “from” address on email messages. Once you have created an application by using the Administration Console, you can add additional Google accounts as administrators. Any administrator can ac- cess the Console and upload new versions of the application. The Console gives you access to real-time performance data about how your application is being used, as well as access to log data emitted by your application. You can also query the datastore for the live application by using a web interface, and check on the status of datastore indexes. (Newly created indexes with large data sets take time to build.)

The Administration Console | 13 When you upload new code for your application, the uploaded version is assigned a version identifier, which you specify in the application’s configuration file. The version used for the live application is whichever major version is selected as the “default.” You control which version is the “default” by using the Administration Console. You can access nondefault versions by using a special URL containing the version identifier. This allows you to test a new version of an app running on App Engine before making it official. You use the Console to set up and manage the billing account for your application. When you’re ready for your application to consume more resources beyond the free amounts, you set up a billing account using a credit card and Google Accounts. The owner of the billing account sets a budget, a maximum amount of money that can be charged per calendar day. Your application can consume resources until your budget is exhausted, and you are only charged for what the application actually uses beyond the free amounts.

Things App Engine Doesn’t Do...Yet When people first start using App Engine, there are several things they ask about that App Engine doesn’t do. Some of these are things Google may implement in the near future, and others run against the grain of the App Engine design and aren’t likely to be added. Listing such features in a book is difficult, because by the time you read this, Google may have already implemented them. (Indeed, this list has gotten substantially shorter since the first edition of this book.) But it’s worth noting these features here, especially to note workaround techniques. An app can receive incoming email and XMPP chat messages at several addresses. As of this writing, none of these addresses can use a custom domain name. See Chap- ter 14 and Chapter 15 for more information on incoming email and XMPP addresses. An app can accept web requests on a custom domain using Google Apps. Google Apps associates a subdomain of your custom domain to an app, and this subdomain can be www if you choose ( Requests for this domain, and all sub- domains (, are routed to your application. Google Apps does not yet support requests for “naked” domains, such as App Engine does not support streaming or long-term connections directly to applica- tion servers. Apps can use the Channel service to push messages to browsers in real- time. XMPP is also an option for messaging in some cases, using an XMPP service (such as Google Talk). These mechanisms are preferred to a polling technique, where the client asks the application for updates on a regular basis. Polling is difficult to scale (5,000 simultaneous users polling every 5 seconds = 1,000 queries per second), and is not appropriate for all applications. Also note that request handlers cannot communi- cate with the client while performing other calculations. The server sends a response to the client’s request only after the handler has returned control to the server.

14 | Chapter 1: Introducing Google App Engine App Engine only supports web requests via HTTP or HTTPS, and email and XMPP messages via the services. It does not support other kinds of network connections. For instance, a client cannot connect to an App Engine application via FTP. The App Engine datastore does not support full-text search queries, such as for imple- menting a search engine for a content management system. The Search service, which as of this writing is in beta testing, will provide powerful document-based search func- tionality with good datastore integration. But full-text search is not an inherent ability of the datastore’s query engine.

Getting Started You can start developing applications for Google App Engine without creating an ac- count. All you need to get started is the App Engine SDK appropriate for your choice of language, which is a free download from the App Engine website: While you’re there, check out the official “Getting Started Guide” for your language, which demonstrates how to create an application and use several of App Engine’s features. In the next chapter, we’ll describe how to create a new project from start to finish, including how to create an account, upload the application, and run it on App Engine.

Getting Started | 15

CHAPTER 2 Creating an Application

The App Engine development model is as simple as it gets: 1. Create the application. 2. Test the application on your own computer by using the web server software in- cluded with the App Engine development kit. 3. Upload the finished application to App Engine. In this chapter, we walk through the process of creating a new application, testing it with the development server, registering a new application ID and setting up a domain name, and uploading the app to App Engine. We look at some of the features of the Python and Java software development kits (SDKs) and the App Engine Administration Console. We also discuss the workflow for developing and deploying an app. We will take this opportunity to demonstrate a common pattern in web applications: managing user preferences data. This pattern uses several App Engine services and features.

Setting Up the SDK All the tools and libraries you need to develop an application are included in the App Engine SDK. There are separate SDKs for Python and Java, each with features useful for developing with each language. The SDKs work on any platform, including Win- dows, Mac OS X, and Linux. The Python and Java SDKs each include a web server that runs your app in a simulated runtime environment on your computer. The development server enforces the sandbox restrictions of the full runtime environment and simulates each of the App Engine services. You can start the development server and leave it running while you build your app, reloading pages in your browser to see your changes in effect. Both SDKs include a multifunction tool for interacting with the app running on App Engine. You use this tool to upload your app’s code, static files, and configuration. The

17 tool can also manage datastore indexes, task queues, scheduled tasks, and service con- figuration, and can download messages logged by the live application so you can ana- lyze your app’s traffic and behavior. The Python SDK has a few tools not available in the Java SDK, mostly because the tools are written in Python (and so require that Python be installed). Notably, the Python SDK includes tools for uploading and downloading data to and from the datastore. This is useful for making backups, changing the structure of existing data, and for processing data offline. This tool and others work fine with Java applications, and if you’re using Java, you should consider installing Python and the App Engine Python SDK. The Python SDKs for Windows and Mac OS X include a “launcher” application that makes it especially easy to create, edit, test, and upload an app, using a simple graphical interface. Paired with a good programming text editor (such as Notepad++ for Win- dows, or Sublime Text for Mac OS X), the launcher provides a fast and intuitive Python development experience. For Java developers, Google provides a plug-in for the Eclipse integrated development environment that implements a complete App Engine development workflow. The plug-in includes a template for creating new App Engine Java apps, as well as a debug- ging profile for running the app and the development web server in the Eclipse debug- ger. To deploy a project to App Engine, you just click a button on the Eclipse toolbar. Both SDKs also have cross-platform command-line tools that provide these features. You can use these tools from a command prompt, or otherwise integrate them into your development environment as you see fit. The Java SDK also includes an Apache Ant plug-in that makes it easy to integrate these tasks into an Ant-based workflow. We discuss the Python SDK first, then the Java SDK in “Installing the Java SDK” on page 22. Feel free to skip the section that does not apply to your chosen language.

Installing the Python SDK App Engine includes two Python runtime environments: a legacy environment based on Python 2.5, and a newer environment running Python 2.7. The newer environment has more than just a slightly newer version of the Python interpreter. In particular, the newer environment can serve multiple requests simultaneously from a single applica- tion instance, a performance-related feature that’ll prove useful when you start to get large amounts of traffic. If you’re creating a new app, there is no reason not to use Python 2.7, and if you have an existing app using the 2.5 runtime environment, you should consider upgrading. We assume the 2.7 environment for this tutorial and the rest of this book. The App Engine SDK for the Python runtime environment runs on any computer that runs Python 2.7. If you are using Mac OS X or Linux, or if you have used Python

18 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application previously, you may already have Python on your system. You can test whether Python is installed on your system and check which version is installed by running the following command at a command prompt (in Windows, Command Prompt; in Mac OS X, Ter- minal): python -V (That’s a capital “V.”) If Python is installed, it prints its version number, like so: Python 2.7.1 You can download and install Python 2.7 for your platform from the Python website: Be sure to get Python version 2.7 (such as 2.7.2) from the “Download” section of the site. As of this writing, the latest major version of Python is 3.2, and the latest 2.x- compatible release is 2.7.

App Engine Python does not yet support Python 3. Python 3 includes several new language and library features that are not backward com- patible with earlier versions. When App Engine adds support for Python 3, it will likely be in the form of a new runtime environment, in addition to the Python 2.5 and 2.7 environments. You control which runtime environment your application uses with a setting in the app’s configu- ration file, so your application will continue to run as intended when new runtime environments are released.

You can download the App Engine Python SDK bundle for your operating system from the Google App Engine website: Download and install the file appropriate for your operating system: • For Windows, the Python SDK is an .msi (Microsoft Installer) file. Click on the appropriate link to download it, then double-click on the file to start the installation process. This installs the Google App Engine Launcher application, adds an icon to your Start menu, and adds the command-line tools to the command path. • For Mac OS X, the Python SDK is a Mac application in a .dmg (disk image) file. Click on the link to download it, then double-click on the file to mount the disk image. Drag the GoogleAppEngineLauncher icon to your Applications folder. To install the command-line tools, double-click the icon to start the Launcher, then allow the Launcher to create the “symlinks” when prompted. • If you are using Linux or another platform, the Python SDK is available as a .zip archive. Download and unpack it (typically with the unzip command) to create a directory named google_appengine. The command-line tools all reside in this di- rectory. Adjust your command path as needed.

Setting Up the SDK | 19 To test that the App Engine Python SDK is installed, run the following command at a command prompt: --help The command prints a helpful message and exits. If instead you see a message about the command not being found, check that the installer completed successfully, and that the location of the command is on your command path. Windows users, if when you run this command, a dialog opens with the message “Windows cannot open this file... To open this file, Windows needs to know what program created it,” you must tell Windows to use Python to open the file. In the dialog box, choose “Select the program from a list,” and click OK. Click Browse, then locate your Python installation (such as :\Python27). Select python from this folder, then click Open. Select “Always use the selected program to open this kind of file.” Click OK. A window will open and attempt to run the command, then immediately close. You can now run the command from the Command Prompt.

Before proceeding, you will want to make sure that the Launcher is using your Python 2.7 installation, and not another version of Python that may be on your system. In particular, the Mac version of the Launcher will use /usr/bin/python2.6 by default, even if /usr/bin/python is Python 2.7. To change the version of Python used by the Launcher, select Preferen- ces from the appropriate menu, then specify a “Python Path” value of /usr/bin/python. Close the window to store this preference. If you already have a development server running, stop it, then start it again for the change to take effect. You can confirm that the Launcher is using the correct version of Python by starting the server, then clicking the Logs button. Scroll up to the top, and look for the line that says: Python command: /usr/bin/python. If the path setting did not take effect, close the Launcher application, then start it and try again.

A brief tour of the Launcher The Windows and Mac OS X versions of the Python SDK include an application called the Google App Engine Launcher (hereafter, just “Launcher”). With the Launcher, you can create and manage multiple App Engine Python projects using a graphical interface. Figure 2-1 shows an example of the Launcher window in Mac OS X.

20 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application Figure 2-1. The Google App Engine Launcher for Mac OS X main window, with a project selected

To create a new project, select New Application from the File menu (or click the plus- sign button at the bottom of the window). Browse to where you want to keep your application files, then enter a name for the application. The Launcher creates a new directory at that location, named after the application, to hold the app’s files, and creates several starter files. The app appears in the application list in the main launcher window. To start the development web server, make sure the application is selected, then click the Run button. You can stop the server with the Stop button. To open the home page of the running app in a browser, click the Browse button. The Logs button displays messages logged by the app in the development server. The SDK Console button opens a web interface for the development server with several features for inspecting the running application, including tools to inspect the contents of the (simulated) datastore and memory cache, and an interactive console that executes Python statements and displays the results. The Edit button opens the app’s files in your default text editor. In the Mac OS X version, this is especially useful with text editors that can open a directory’s worth of files, such as TextMate or Emacs. In the Windows version, this just opens app. for editing. The Deploy button uploads the application to App Engine. Before you can deploy an application, you must register an application ID with App Engine and edit the appli- cation’s configuration file with the registered ID. The Dashboard button opens a browser window with the App Engine Administration Console for the deployed app.

Setting Up the SDK | 21 We’ll look at the configuration file, the registration process, and the Administration Console later in this chapter. The complete App Engine Python SDK, including the command-line tools, resides in the Launcher’s application directory. In the Windows version, the installer adds the appropriate directory to the command path, so you can run these tools from a Com- mand Prompt. In Mac OS X, when you start the Launcher for the first time it asks for permission to create “symlinks.” This creates symbolic links in the directory /usr/local/bin/ that refer to the command-line tools in the application bundle. With the links in this directory, you can type just the name of a command at a Terminal prompt to run it. If you didn’t create the symlinks, you can do so later by selecting the Make Symlinks item from the GoogleAppEngineLauncher menu. You can set command-line flags for the development server within the Launcher. To do so, select the application, then go to the Edit menu and select Application Settings. Add the desired command-line options to the Extra Flags field, then click Update.

The Mac OS X version of the Launcher installs Google’s software update facility to check for new versions of the App Engine SDK. When a new version is released, this feature notifies you and offers to upgrade. Immediately after you upgrade, you’ll notice the symlinks stop working. To fix the symlinks, reopen the Launcher app and follow the prompts. The upgrade can’t do this automatically because it needs your permis- sion to create new symlinks.

Installing the Java SDK The App Engine SDK for the Java runtime environment runs on any computer that runs the Java SE Development Kit (JDK). The App Engine for Java SDK supports JDK 6, and when running on App Engine, the Java runtime environment uses the Java 6 JVM and JRE. (JDK 5 support is limited and deprecated.) If you don’t already have it, you can download and install the Java 6 JDK for most platforms from Oracle’s website (Mac users, see the next section): You can test whether the Java development kit is installed on your system and check which version it is by running the following command at a command prompt (in Win- dows, Command Prompt; in Mac OS X, Terminal): javac -version If you have the Java 6 JDK installed, the command will print a version number similar to javac 1.6.0. The actual output varies depending on which specific version you have.

22 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application App Engine Java apps use interfaces and features from Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE). The App Engine SDK includes implementations for the relevant Java EE features. You do not need to install a separate Java EE implementation. The steps for installing the App Engine SDK for Java depend on whether you wish to use the Google Plugin for the Eclipse IDE. We’ll cover these situations separately.

Java on Mac OS X Mac OS X versions 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and 10.7 (Lion) do not include the Java 6 runtime environment by default. If you are running Mac OS X 10.8, you may be prompted to download and install Java 6 when you first run Eclipse. If you are running Mac OS X 10.7, and you did not upgrade from a previous major version of the operating system, you may have to download and install Java for OS X Lion from Apple’s website: If you are running Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard), or have upgraded to 10.7 from 10.6, you should already have Java 6 installed. You may want to run Apple’s Software Update (from the Apple menu) to ensure you have the latest minor version. If you are using Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and a 64-bit processor, Java 6 is installed, but you must explicitly change the default version of Java to be Java 6 by using the Java Preferences Utility. You can find this under /Applications/Utilities/. In the Java Appli- cations list, drag the desired version (such as “Java SE 6, 64-bit”) to the top of the list. OS X uses the topmost version in the list that is compatible with your system. Leopard’s version of Java 6 only works with 64-bit processors. If you have a 32-bit Mac running Leopard, you’re stuck using Java 5. Java 5 support in the App Engine SDK is deprecated. Consider upgrading to Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leop- ard, which includes a 32-bit version of Java 6. (Mac OS X 10.7 does not work with 32- bit processors.) If you are using Eclipse, make sure you get the version that corresponds with your processor. Separate versions of the “Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers” bundle are available for 32-bit and 64-bit processors. For more information about Java and Mac OS X, see Apple’s developer website:

Installing the Java SDK with the Google Plugin for Eclipse One of the easiest ways to develop App Engine applications in Java is to use the Eclipse IDE and the Google Plugin for Eclipse. The plug-in works with all versions of Eclipse from Eclipse 3.3 (Europa) to the Eclipse 4.2 (Juno). You can get Eclipse for your plat- form for free at the Eclipse website:

Setting Up the SDK | 23 If you’re getting Eclipse specifically for App Engine development, get the “Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers” bundle. This bundle includes several useful components for developing web applications, including the Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) pack- age. You can tell Eclipse to use the JDK you have installed in the Preferences window. In Eclipse 4.2, select Preferences (Windows and Linux, in the Window menu; Mac OS X, in the Eclipse menu). In the Java category, select “Installed JREs.” If necessary, add the location of the SDK to the list, and make sure the checkbox is checked. To install the App Engine Java SDK and the Google Plugin, use the software installation feature of Eclipse. In Eclipse 4.2, select Install New Software from the Help menu, then type the following URL in the “Work with” field and click the Add button: (This URL does not work in a browser; it only works with the Eclipse software installer.) In the dialog box that opens, enter “Google” for the name, then click OK. Several items are added to the list. For a minimal App Engine development environment, select Goo- gle Plugin for Eclipse, then expand the SDKs category and select Google App Engine Java SDK. Figure 2-2 shows the Install Software window with these items selected. There’s other good stuff in here, all free of charge. Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is a development suite for making rich web user interfaces using Java, without having to write a single line of JavaScript. The Eclipse plug-in makes it easy to create GWT apps that run on App Engine. There’s also a set of tools for making apps for Android devices that use App Engine as a networked backend. If that’s of interest, you’ll also want to get the Android Development Toolkit from Check the boxes for the desired items, then click the Next button and follow the prompts. For more information on installing the Google Plugin for Eclipse, including instructions for Eclipse 3.3 through 3.7, see the website for the plug-in: After installation, the Eclipse toolbar has a new drop-down menu button. The notifi- cations bar at the bottom may also include a prompt to sign in with your Google ac- count. These additions are shown in Figure 2-3. The plug-in adds several features to the Eclipse interface: • The drop-down menu button, with shortcuts for creating a new web application project, deploying to App Engine, and other features • A Web Application Project item under New in the File menu • A Web Application debug profile, for running an app in the development web server under the Eclipse debugger

24 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application Figure 2-2. The Eclipse 4.2 (Juno) Install Software window, with the Google Plugin selected You can use Eclipse to develop your application, and to deploy it to App Engine. To use other features of the SDK, like downloading log data, you must use the command- line tools from the App Engine SDK. Eclipse installs the SDK in your Eclipse application directory, under eclipse/plugins/. The actual directory name depends on the specific version of the SDK installed, but it looks something like this: This directory contains command-line tools in a subdirectory named bin/. In Mac OS X or Linux, you may need to change the permissions of these files to be executable in order to use the tools from the command line: chmod 755 bin/* You can add the bin/ directory to your command path, but keep in mind that the path will change each time you update the SDK.

Setting Up the SDK | 25 Figure 2-3. The Eclipse 4.2 window with the Google Plugin installed, with the drop-down menu button open Installing the Java SDK without Eclipse If you are not using the Eclipse IDE or otherwise don’t wish to use the Google Plugin, you can download the App Engine Java SDK as a .zip archive from the App Engine website: The archive unpacks to a directory with a name like appengine-java-sdk-1.7.1. The SDK contains command-line launch scripts in the bin/ subdirectory. You can add this directory to your command path to make the commands easier to run.

Both the AppCfg tool and the development web server execute Java classes to perform their functions. You can integrate these tools into your IDE or build scripts by calling the launch scripts, or by calling the Java classes directly. Look at the contents of the launch scripts to see the syntax. The App Engine SDK includes a plug-in for Apache Ant that lets you perform functions of the SDK from an Ant build script. See the App Engine documentation for more information about using Ant with App Engine.

Test that the App Engine Java SDK is installed properly by running the following com- mand at a command prompt: dev_appserver --help

26 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application Mac OS X and Linux users, use as the command name. The command prints a helpful message and exits. If instead you see a message about the command not being found, check that the archive unpacked successfully, and that the SDK’s bin/ directory is on your command path.

Developing the Application An App Engine application responds to web requests. It does so by calling request handlers, routines that accept request parameters and return responses. App Engine determines which request handler to use for a given request from the request’s URL, using a configuration file included with the app that maps URLs to handlers. An app can also include static files, such as images, CSS stylesheets, and browser Java- Script. App Engine serves these files directly to clients in response to requests for cor- responding URLs without invoking any code. The app’s configuration specifies which of its files are static, and which URLs to use for those files. The application configuration includes metadata about the app, such as its application ID and version number. When you deploy the app to App Engine, all the app’s files, including the code, configuration files, and static files, are uploaded and associated with the application ID and version number mentioned in the configuration. An app can also have configuration files specific to the services, such as for datastore indexes, task queues, and scheduled tasks. These files are associated with the app in general, not a specific version of the app. The structure and format of the code and configuration files differ for Python apps and for Java apps, but the concepts are similar. In the next few sections, we create the files needed for a simple application in Python and Java, and look at how to use the tools and libraries included with each SDK.

The User Preferences Pattern The application we create in this section is a simple clock. When a user visits the site, the app displays the current time of day according to the server’s system clock. By default, the app shows the current time in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time zone. The user can customize the time zone by signing in using Google Accounts and setting a preference. This app demonstrates three App Engine features: • The datastore, primary storage for data that is persistent, reliable, and scalable • The memory cache (or memcache), secondary storage that is faster than the data- store, but is not necessarily persistent in the long term • Google Accounts, the ability to use Google’s user account system for authenticat- ing and identifying users

Developing the Application | 27 Google Accounts works similarly to most user account systems. If the user is not signed in to the clock application, she sees a generic view with default settings (the UTC time zone) and a link to sign in or create a new account. If the user chooses to sign in or register, the application directs her to a sign-in form managed by Google Accounts. Signing in or creating an account redirects the user back to the application. Of course, you can implement your own account mechanism instead of using Google Accounts. You can also use an OpenID provider (or a provider of the user’s choosing) with App Engine’s built-in OpenID support. Using Google Accounts or OpenID has advantages and disadvantages—the chief advantage being that you don’t have to im- plement your own account mechanism. If a user of your app already has a Google account, the user can sign in with that account without creating a new account for your app. If the user accesses the application while signed in, the app loads the user’s preferences data and uses it to render the page. The app retrieves the preferences data in two steps. First, it attempts to get the data from the fast secondary storage, the memory cache. If the data is not present in the memory cache, the app attempts to retrieve it from the primary storage (the datastore), and if successful, it puts it into the memory cache to be found by future requests. This means that for most requests, the application can get the user’s preferences from the memcache without accessing the datastore. While reading from the datastore is reasonably fast, reading from the memcache is much faster and avoids the cost of a datastore call. The difference is substantial when the same data must be accessed every time the user visits a page. Our clock application has two request handlers. One handler displays the current time of day, along with links for signing in and out. It also displays a web form for adjusting the time zone when the user is signed in. The second request handler processes the time zone form when it is submitted. When the user submits the preferences form, the app saves the changes and redirects the browser back to the main page. The application gets the current time from the application server’s system clock. It’s worth noting that App Engine makes no guarantees that the system clocks of all its web servers are synchronized. Since two requests for this app may be handled by different servers, different requests may see different clocks. The server clock is not consistent enough as a source of time data for a real-world application, but it’s good enough for this example. In the next section, we implement this app using Python. We do the same thing with Java in the section “Developing a Java App” on page 44. As before, feel free to skip the section that doesn’t apply to you.

28 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application Developing a Python App The simplest Python application for App Engine is a single directory with two files: a configuration file named app.yaml, and a file of Python code for a request handler. The directory containing the app.yaml file is the application root directory. You’ll refer to this directory often when using the tools.

If you are using the Launcher, you can start a new project by selecting the File menu, New Application. The Launcher creates a new project with several files, which you may wish to edit to follow along with the example. Alternatively, you can create the project directory and files by hand, then add the project to the Launcher by clicking the File menu, and then Add Existing Application.

Create a directory named clock to contain the project. Using your favorite text editor, create a file inside this directory named app.yaml similar to Example 2-1.

Example 2-1. The app.yaml configuration file for a simple application, using the Python 2.7 runtime environment application: clock version: 1 runtime: python27 api_version: 1 threadsafe: true handlers: - url: .* script: main.application libraries: - name: webapp2 version: "2.5.1"

This configuration file is in a format called YAML, an open format for configuration files and network messages. You don’t need to know much about the format beyond what you see here. In this example, the configuration file tells App Engine that this is version 1 of an application called clock, which uses version 1 (api_version) of the Python 2.7 runtime environment. Every request for this application (every URL that matches the .*, which is all of them) is to be handled by an application object defined in the application variable of a Python module named main.

Developing the Application | 29 In the Python 2.5 runtime environment, URLs are mapped to the names of source files, which are executed as CGI scripts. While this is still supported with Python 2.7, concurrent requests (multithreading) re- quire this new way of referring to the WSGI instance global variable in the app.yaml configuration.

Create a file named similar to Example 2-2, in the same directory as app.yaml.

Example 2-2. A simple Python web application, using the webapp2 framework import datetime import webapp2 class MainPage(webapp2.RequestHandler): def get(self): message = '

The time is: %s

' % self.response.out.write(message) application = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/', MainPage)], debug=True)

This simple Python web application uses a web application framework called “we- bapp2,” which is included with App Engine. This framework conforms to a common standard for Python web application frameworks known as the Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI). You don’t need to know much about WSGI, except that it’s a Python standard, there are many useful frameworks to choose from, and it’s easy to port a WSGI application to other application hosting environments using various adapters (such as a WSGI-to-CGI adapter). webapp2 is a simple example of a WSGI framework. Django, a popular open source web app framework for Python that’s also included with App Engine, is another. We’ll walk through this example in a moment, but first, let’s get it running. If you are using the Launcher app, start the development web server by clicking the Run button. The icon next to the project turns green when the server starts successfully. Open a browser to view the project by clicking the Browse button. The browser displays a page similar to Figure 2-4. You can leave the web server running while you develop your application. The web server notices when you make changes to your files, and reloads them automatically as needed. If you are not using the Launcher, you can start the development server from a com- mand prompt by running the command, specifying the path to the project directory (clock) as an argument: clock

30 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application Figure 2-4. The first version of the clock application viewed in a browser

If your current working directory is the clock directory you just created, you can run the command using a dot (.) as the path to the project: .

The server starts up and prints several messages to the console. If this is the first time you’re running the server from the command line, it may ask whether you want it to check for updates; type your answer, then hit Enter. You can safely ignore warnings that say “Could not read datastore data” and “Could not initialize images API.” These are expected if you have followed the installation steps so far. The last message should look something like this: INFO ... Running application dev-clock on port 8080: http://localhost:8080 INFO ... Admin console is available at: http://localhost:8080/_ah/admin This message indicates the server started successfully. If you do not see this message, check the other messages for hints, and double-check that the syntax of your app.yaml file is correct. Test your application by visiting the server’s URL in a web browser: http://localhost:8080/

Introducing the webapp framework App Engine’s Python 2.7 runtime environment uses WSGI as the interface between your application and the server instance running the application. Typically, you would not write the code that implements this interface. Instead, you would use a frame-

Developing the Application | 31 work , a suite of libraries and tools that form an easy way to think about building web applications and perform common web tasks. There are dozens of web frameworks written in Python, and several are mature, well documented, and have active developer communities. Django, web2py, and Pylons are examples of well-established Python web frameworks. But not every Python web ap- plication framework works completely with the App Engine Python runtime environ- ment. Constraints imposed by App Engine’s sandboxing logic limit which frameworks work out of the box. In addition to App Engine’s own webapp2 framework, Django ( is known to work well and is included with App En- gine. web2py ( includes special support for App Engine. Others have been adapted for App Engine with additional software. We’ll discuss how to use Django with App Engine in Chapter 18. The webapp2 framework (the successor to “webapp,” the framework included with the legacy Python 2.5 environment) is intended to be small and easy to use. It doesn’t have the features of more established frameworks, but it’s good enough for small projects. For simplicity, most of the Python examples in this book use the webapp2 framework. We’ll introduce some of its features here. Let’s take a closer look at our simple web application, line by line: import datetime import webapp2 This loads the libraries we intend to use in the main module. We use datetime to get the system time for our clock. The webapp2 framework is in the webapp2 module: class MainPage(webapp2.RequestHandler): def get(self): message = '

The time is: %s

' % self.response.out.write(message) webapp2 applications consist of one or more request handlers, units of code mapped to URLs or URL patterns that are executed when a client (or other process) requests a URL. As we saw earlier, the first URL mapping takes place in app.yaml, which associates the request URL with its WSGI application object in a Python module. The webapp2 application maps this to a RequestHandler class. To produce the response, webapp2 instantiates the class and then calls a method of the class that corresponds to the HTTP method of the request. When you type a URL into your browser’s address bar, the browser uses the HTTP GET method with the request, so webapp2 calls the get() method of the request handler. Similarly, when you submit a web form, the browser uses the HTTP POST method, which would attempt to call a post() method. The code can access the request data and produce the response data, using attributes of the instance. In this case, we prepared a response string (message), then used the output stream of the response attribute to write the message. You can also use the

32 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application response attribute to set response headers, such as to change the content type. (Here, we leave the content type at its default of text/html.) application = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/', MainPage)], debug=True) The application module global variable contains the object that represents the WSGI application. This value is created when the main module is imported for the first time, and stays in memory for the lifetime of the application instance. (App Engine creates and destroys application instances as needed to serve your app’s traffic. More on that later.) App Engine knows which module and variable to use from the mapping in the app.yaml file. The application object is an instance of the WSGIApplication class provided by the webapp2 module. The constructor is called with two values. The first is a list of URL pattern and RequestHandler class pairs. When the application is called to handle a re- quest, the URL is tested against each pattern in the order it appears in the list. The first to match wins. The URL pattern is a regular expression. In this case, our application simply maps the root URL path (/) to MainPage. If the application is asked to handle any other URL path (any path that doesn’t match), we- bapp2 serves an HTTP 404 error page. Notice that the app.yaml file maps all URL paths to this application, effectively putting webapp2 in charge of serving 404 errors. (If a URL does not match any pattern in app.yaml, App Engine serves its own 404 error.) The WSGIApplication constructor is also given a debug=True parameter. This tells we- bapp2 to print detailed error messages to the browser when things go wrong. webapp2 knows to only use this in the development server, and disable this feature when it is running on App Engine, so you can just leave it turned on. A single WSGIApplication instance can handle multiple URLs, routing the request to different RequestHandler classes based on the URL pattern. But we’ve already seen that the app.yaml file maps URL patterns to handler scripts. So which URL patterns should appear in app.yaml, and which should appear in the WSGIApplication? Many web frameworks include their own URL dispatcher logic, and it’s common to route all dy- namic URLs to the framework’s dispatcher in app.yaml. With webapp2, the answer mostly depends on how you’d like to organize your code. For the clock application, we will create a second request handler as a separate script to take advantage of a feature of app.yaml for user authentication, but we could also put this logic in and route the URL with the WSGIApplication object.

Users and Google Accounts So far, our clock shows the same display for every user. To allow each user to customize the display and save her preferences for future sessions, we need a way to identify the user making a request. An easy way to do this is with Google Accounts, a.k.a. the Users service.

Developing the Application | 33 Before we make the user interface of our app more elaborate, let’s introduce a tem- plating system to manage our HTML. User-facing web applications have a browser- based user interface, consisting of HTML, CSS, and sometimes JavaScript. Mixing markup and code for the browser in your server-side code gets messy fast. It’s nearly always better to use a library that can represent the user interface code separately from your app code, using templates. The app code calls the templating system to fill in the blanks with dynamic data and render the result. For this example, we’ll use the Jinja2 templating system. Jinja2 is an open source tem- plating system written in Python, based on the templating system included with the Django web application framework. App Engine will provide this library to your app if you request it in the app.yaml file. Edit app.yaml, and add these lines to the libraries: section near the bottom: libraries: # ... - name: jinja2 version: latest - name: markupsafe version: latest While libraries such as Jinja2 are available to your app when it is running on App Engine, you must install the library yourself on your own computer. (App Engine does not include every library in the SDK because it would have to include every supported version of every library, and that could get large.) To install Jinja2, use the easy_in- stall command included with Python. For example, on Mac OS X: sudo easy_install jinja2 markupsafe (Enter your administrator password when prompted.)

Make sure to use the same version of Python to install the library as the version of Python you’re using to run the development server! See the tip back in “Installing the Python SDK” on page 18 on setting up the Launcher.

Let’s add something to our app’s home page that indicates whether the user is signed in, and provides links for signing in and signing out of the application. Edit to resemble Example 2-3.

Example 2-3. A version of that invites the user to sign in with Google Accounts, using a Jinja2 template import datetime import jinja2 import os import webapp2 from google.appengine.api import users

34 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application template_env = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.getcwd()))

class MainPage(webapp2.RequestHandler): def get(self): current_time = user = users.get_current_user() login_url = users.create_login_url(self.request.path) logout_url = users.create_logout_url(self.request.path)

template = template_env.get_template('home.html') context = { 'current_time': current_time, 'user': user, 'login_url': login_url, 'logout_url': logout_url, } self.response.out.write(template.render(context))

application = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/', MainPage)], debug=True)

Next, create a new file in the same directory named home.html, and edit it to resemble Example 2-4. This is the Jinja2 template.

Example 2-4. The HTML template for the home page, using the Jinja2 template system The Time Is... {% if user %}

Welcome, {{ }}! You can sign out.

{% else %}

Welcome! Sign in or register to customize.

{% endif %}

The time is: {{ current_time }}

Reload the page in your browser. The new page resembles Figure 2-5. We’ve added a few new things to

Developing the Application | 35 Figure 2-5. The clock app with a link to Google Accounts when the user is not signed in import jinja2 import os

# ...

from google.appengine.api import users You import the Jinja2 library the same way you would with a typical installation on your computer. The libraries: section of app.yaml puts Jinja2 on the library search path when running on App Engine. We also import the os module to use in the next part, as well as the API for the Users service: template_env = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.getcwd())) One way to configure Jinja2 is with an Environment object. This object maintains aspects of the template system that are common across your app. In this case, we use the Environment to declare that our template files are loaded from the file system, using the FileSystemLoader. We store the Jinja2 Environment object in a module global variable because we only need to create this object once in the lifetime of the application instance. As with the WSGIApplication object, the constructor is called when the module is imported, and the object stays resident in memory.

36 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application Remember that we’ve turned on concurrent requests using the thread safe: true line in app.yaml. This tells App Engine to use one instance to process multiple requests simultaneously. These requests will share global module variables, and may interleave instructions. This is fine for most common read-only uses of global variables, such as configuration data and compiled regular expressions.

The os.getcwd() value passed to the FileSystemLoader constructor tells it to find tem- plates in the current working directory. When the request handler is called, the current working directory is the application root directory. If you move your templates into a subdirectory (and that’s probably a good idea), this value needs to be modified ac- cordingly: current_time = user = users.get_current_user() login_url = users.create_login_url(self.request.path) logout_url = users.create_logout_url(self.request.path) The request handler code calls the Users service API by using functions in the module users, from the package google.appengine.api. users.get_current_user() returns an object of class users.User that represents the user making the request if the user is signed in, or None (Python’s null value) if the user is not signed in. You can use this value to access the user’s email address, which our application does from within the template. To allow a user to sign in or sign out, you direct the user’s browser to the Google Accounts system “login” or “logout” URLs. The app gets these URLs using the users.create_login_url() and users.create_logout_url(), respectively. These func- tions take a URL path for your application as an argument. Once the user has signed in or signed out successfully, Google Accounts redirects the user back to your app using that URL path. For this app, we direct the user to sign in or sign out by presenting her with links to click. (In other situations, redirecting the user might be more appropriate.) template = template_env.get_template('home.html') context = { 'current_time': current_time, 'user': user, 'login_url': login_url, 'logout_url': logout_url } self.response.out.write(template.render(context)) Here, we load the home.html template, set the dynamic data in the template’s “context,” render the template with the context values into the text of the page, and finally write it to the response. Within the template, we use a conditional section to display a different welcome mes- sage depending on whether the user is signed in or not. {% if user %} is true if the context value we set to 'user' is considered true in Python, which it would be if

Developing the Application | 37 users.get_current_user() returned a User object. The {% else %} and {% endif %} directives delimit the sections of the template to render, based on the condition. {{ }} calls the email() method of the object, and interpolates its return value into the template as a string. Similarly, {{ logout_url }}, {{ login_url }}, and {{ current_time }} interpolate the generated URLs we set in the context.

For more information about Jinja2 template syntax and features, see the Jinja2 website:

If you click on the “Sign in or register” link with the app running in the development server, the link goes to the development server’s simulated version of the Google Ac- counts sign-in screen, as shown in Figure 2-6. At this screen, you can enter any email address, and the development server will proceed as if you are signed in with an account that has that address.

Figure 2-6. The development server’s simulated Google Accounts sign-in screen

If this app were running on App Engine, the login and logout URLs would go to the actual Google Accounts locations. Once signed in or out, Google Accounts redirects back to the given URL path for the live application. Click on “Sign in or register,” then click on the Login button on the simulated Google Accounts screen, using the default test email address ([email protected]). The clock app now looks like Figure 2-7. To sign out again, click the “sign out” link.

38 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application Figure 2-7. The clock app, with the user signed in Web forms and the datastore Now that we know who the user is, we can ask her for her preferred time zone, re- member her preference, and use it on future visits. First, we need a way to remember the user’s preferences so future requests can access them. The App Engine datastore provides reliable, scalable storage for this purpose. The Python API includes a data modeling interface that maps Python objects to data- store entities. We can use it to write a UserPrefs class. Create a new file named, as shown in Example 2-5.

Example 2-5. The file, with a class for storing user preferences in the datastore from google.appengine.api import users from google.appengine.ext import db class UserPrefs(db.Model): tz_offset = db.IntegerProperty(default=0) user = db.UserProperty(auto_current_user_add=True) def get_userprefs(user_id=None): if not user_id: user = users.get_current_user() if not user: return None user_id = user.user_id()

key = db.Key.from_path('UserPrefs', user_id) userprefs = db.get(key) if not userprefs:

Developing the Application | 39 userprefs = UserPrefs(key_name=user_id) return userprefs

The Python data modeling interface is provided by the module db in the package google.appengine.ext. A data model is a class whose base class is db.Model. The model subclass defines the structure of the data in each object by using class properties. This structure is enforced by db.Model when values are assigned to instance properties. For our UserPrefs class, we define two properties: tz_offset, an integer, and user, a User object returned by the Google Accounts API. Every datastore entity has a primary key. Unlike a primary key in a relational database table, an entity key is permanent and can only be set when the entity is created. A key is unique across all entities in the system, and consists of several parts, including the entity’s kind (in this case 'UserPrefs'). An app can set one component of the key to an arbitrary value, known in the API as the key name. The clock application uses the user’s unique ID, provided by the user_id() method of the User object, as the key name of a UserPrefs entity. This allows the app to fetch the entity by key, since it knows the user’s ID from the Google Accounts API. Fetching the entity by key is faster than performing a datastore query. In, we define a function named get_userprefs() that gets the UserPrefs ob- ject for the user. After determining the user ID, the function constructs a datastore key for an entity of the kind 'UserPrefs' with a key name equivalent to the user ID. If the entity exists in the datastore, the function returns the UserPrefs object. If the entity does not exist in the datastore, the function creates a new UserPrefs object with default settings and a key name that corresponds to the user. The new object is not saved to the datastore automatically. The caller must invoke the put() method on the UserPrefs instance to save it. Now that we have a mechanism for getting a UserPrefs object, we can make two up- grades to the main page. If the user is signed in, we can get the user’s preferences (if any) and adjust the clock’s time zone. Edit With the other import statements, import the models module we just created: import models In the request handler code, call the models.get_userprefs() function, and use the return value to adjust the current_time value. Also, add the userprefs value to the template context: class MainPage(webapp2.RequestHandler): def get(self): # ... userprefs = models.get_userprefs()

if userprefs: current_time += datetime.timedelta(

40 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, userprefs.tz_offset)

template = template_env.get_template('home.html') context = { # ... 'userprefs': userprefs, } self.response.out.write(template.render(context)) Let’s also add a web form to the template so the user can set a time zone preference. Edit home.html, and add the following near the bottom of the template, above the : {% if user %}

{% endif %} To enable the preferences form, we need a new request handler to parse the form data and update the datastore. Let’s implement this as a new request handler module. (We’ll see why in a moment.) Create a file named with the contents shown in Example 2-6.

Example 2-6. A new handler module,, for the preferences form import webapp2 import models class PrefsPage(webapp2.RequestHandler): def post(self): userprefs = models.get_userprefs() try: tz_offset = int(self.request.get('tz_offset')) userprefs.tz_offset = tz_offset userprefs.put() except ValueError: # User entered a value that wasn't an integer. Ignore for now. pass

self.redirect('/') application = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/prefs', PrefsPage)], debug=True)

This request handler handles HTTP POST requests to the URL /prefs, which is the URL (“action”) and HTTP method used by the form. Because it’s an HTTP POST action, the code goes in the post() method (instead of the get() method used in

Developing the Application | 41 ). The handler code calls the get_userprefs() function from to get the UserPrefs object for the current user, which is either a new unsaved object with default values, or the object for an existing entity. The handler parses the tz_offset parameter from the form data as an integer, sets the property of the UserPrefs object, then saves the object to the datastore by calling its put() method. The put() method creates the object if it doesn’t exist, or updates the existing object. If the user enters something other than an integer in the form field, we don’t do any- thing. It’d be appropriate to return an error message, but we’ll leave this as is to keep the example simple. The form handler redirects the user’s browser to the / URL. In webapp2, the self.redi rect() method takes care of setting the appropriate response headers for redirecting the browser. Finally, edit app.yaml to map the handler module to the URL /prefs in the handlers: section, as shown in Example 2-7.

Example 2-7. A new version of app.yaml mapping the URL /prefs, with login required application: clock version: 1 runtime: python27 api_version: 1 threadsafe: true handlers: - url: /prefs script: prefs.application login: required

- url: .* script: main.application libraries: - name: webapp2 version: "2.5.1" - name: jinja2 version: latest - name: markupsafe version: latest

The login: required line says that the user must be signed in to Google Accounts to access the /prefs URL. If the user accesses the URL while not signed in, App Engine automatically directs the user to the Google Accounts sign-in page, then redirects her back to this URL afterward. This makes it easy to require sign-in for sections of your site, and to ensure that the user is signed in before the request handler is called. Be sure to put the /prefs URL mapping before the /.* mapping. URL patterns are tried in order, and the first pattern to match determines the handler used for the request. Since the pattern /.* matches all URLs, /prefs must come first or it will be ignored.

42 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application Reload the page to see the customizable clock in action. Try changing the time zone by submitting the form. Also try signing out, then signing in again using the same email address, and again with a different email address. The app remembers the time zone preference for each user.

Caching with memcache The code that gets user preferences data in Example 2-5 fetches an entity from the datastore every time a signed-in user visits the site. User preferences are often read and seldom changed, so getting a UserPrefs object from the datastore with every request is more expensive than it needs to be. We can mitigate the cost of reading from primary storage by using a caching layer. We can use the memcache service as secondary storage for user preferences data. Be- cause of the way we wrote, adding caching requires just a few minor changes. Edit this file as shown in Example 2-8.

Example 2-8. A new version of that caches UserPrefs objects in memcache from google.appengine.api import memcache from google.appengine.api import users from google.appengine.ext import db class UserPrefs(db.Model): tz_offset = db.IntegerProperty(default=0) user = db.UserProperty(auto_current_user_add=True)

def cache_set(self): memcache.set('UserPrefs:' + self.key().name(), self)

def put(self): super(UserPrefs, self).put() self.cache_set() def get_userprefs(user_id=None): if not user_id: user = users.get_current_user() if not user: return None user_id = user.user_id()

userprefs = memcache.get('UserPrefs:' + user_id) if not userprefs: key = db.Key.from_path('UserPrefs', user_id) userprefs = db.get(key) if userprefs: userprefs.cache_set() else: userprefs = UserPrefs(key_name=user_id)

return userprefs

Developing the Application | 43 The Python API for the memcache service is provided by the module memcache in the package google.appengine.api. The memcache stores key-value pairs. The value can be of any type that can be converted to and from a flat data representation (serial- ized), using the Python pickle module, including most data objects. The new version of the UserPrefs class overrides the put() method. When the put() method is called on an instance, the instance is saved to the datastore by using the superclass’s put() method, then it is saved to the memcache. A new UserPrefs method called cache_set() makes the call to memcache.set(). memcache.set() takes a key and a value. Here, we use the string 'UserPrefs:' followed by the entity’s key name as the memcache key, and the full object (self) as the value. The API takes care of serializing the UserPrefs object, so we can put in and take out fully formed objects. The new version of get_userprefs() checks the memcache for the UserPrefs object before going to the datastore. If it finds it in the cache, it uses it. If it doesn’t, it checks the datastore, and if it finds it there, it stores it in the cache and uses it. If the object is in neither the memcache nor the datastore, get_userprefs() returns a fresh UserPrefs object with default values. Reload the page to see the new version work. To make the caching behavior more visible, you can add logging statements in the appropriate places in, like so: import logging

class UserPrefs(db.Model): # ... def cache_set(self):'cache set') # ... The development server prints logging output to the console. If you are using the Launcher, you can open a window of development server output by clicking the Logs button. That’s it for our Python app. Next, we’ll take a look at the same example using the Java runtime environment. If you’re not interested in Java, you can skip ahead to “Regis- tering the Application” on page 63.

Developing a Java App Java web applications for App Engine use the Java Servlet standard interface for inter- acting with the application server. An application consists of one or more servlet classes, each extending a servlet base class. Servlets are mapped to URLs using a standard con- figuration file called a “deployment descriptor,” also known as web.. When App Engine receives a request for a Java application, it determines which servlet class to use based on the URL and the deployment descriptor, instantiates the class, and then calls an appropriate method on the servlet object.

44 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application All the files for a Java application, including the compiled Java classes, configuration files, and static files, are organized in a standard directory structure called a Web Ap- plication Archive, or “WAR.” Everything in the WAR directory gets deployed to App Engine. It’s common to have your development workflow build the contents of the WAR from a set of source files, either using an automated build process or WAR-aware development tools. If you are using the Eclipse IDE with the Google Plugin, you can create a new project by using the Web Application wizard. Click the Google drop-down menu button, then select New Web Application Project. (Alternately, from the File menu, select New, then Web Application Project.) In the window that opens, enter a project name (such as Clock) and package name (such as clock). Uncheck the “Use Google Web Toolkit” checkbox, and make sure the “Use Google App Engine” checkbox is checked. (If you leave the GWT checkbox checked, the new project will be created with GWT starter files. This is cool, but it’s outside the scope of this chapter.) Figure 2-8 shows the completed dialog box for the Clock application. Click Finish to create the project. If you are not using the Google Plugin for Eclipse, you will need to create the directories and files another way. If you are already familiar with Java web development, you can use your existing tools and processes to produce the final WAR. For the rest of this section, we assume you are using the directory structure that is created by the Eclipse plug-in. Figure 2-9 shows the project file structure, as depicted in the Eclipse Package Explorer. The project root directory (Clock) contains two major subdirectories: src and war. The src/ directory contains all the project’s class files in the usual Java package structure. With a package path of clock, Eclipse created source code for a servlet class named ClockServlet in the file clock/ The war/ directory contains the complete final contents of the application. Eclipse compiles source code from src/ automatically and puts the compiled class files in war/ WEB-INF/classes/, which is hidden from Eclipse’s Package Explorer by default. Eclipse copies the contents of src/META-INF/ to war/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/ automat- ically, as well. Everything else, such as CSS or browser JavaScript files, must be created in the war/ directory in its intended location. Let’s start our clock application with a simple servlet that displays the current time. Open the file src/clock/ for editing (creating it if necessary), and give it contents similar to Example 2-9.

Developing the Application | 45 Figure 2-8. The Google Plugin for Eclipse New Web Application Project dialog, with values for the Clock application

46 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application Figure 2-9. A new Java project structure, as shown in the Eclipse Package Explorer Example 2-9. A simple Java servlet package clock; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.SimpleTimeZone; import javax.servlet.http.*;

@SuppressWarnings("serial") public class ClockServlet extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSSSSS"); fmt.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(0, ""));

resp.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter(); out.println("

The time is: " + fmt.format(new Date()) + "

"); } }

Developing the Application | 47 The servlet class extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet, and overrides methods for each of the HTTP methods it intends to support. This servlet overrides the doGet() method to handle HTTP GET requests. The server calls the method with an HttpServletRequest object and an HttpServletResponse object as parameters. The HttpServletRequest contains information about the request, such as the URL, form parameters, and cookies. The method prepares the response, using methods on the HttpServletResponse, such as setContentType() and getWriter(). App Engine sends the response when the servlet method exits. To tell App Engine to invoke this servlet for requests, we need a deployment descriptor: an XML configuration file that describes which URLs invoke which servlet classes, among other things. The deployment descriptor is part of the servlet standard. Open or create the file war/WEB-INF/web.xml, and give it contents similar to Example 2-10.

Example 2-10. The web.xml file, also known as the deployment descriptor, mapping all URLs to ClockServlet clock clock.ClockServlet clock /

Eclipse may open this file in its XML Design view, a table-like view of the elements and values. Select the Source tab at the bottom of the editor pane to edit the XML source. web.xml is an XML file with a root element of . To map URL patterns to servlets, you declare each servlet with a element, then declare the mapping with a element. The of a servlet mapping can be a full URL path, or a URL path with a * at the beginning or end to represent a part of a path. In this case, the URL pattern / matches just the root URL path.

Be sure that each of your values starts with a forward slash (/). Omitting the starting slash may have the intended behavior on the development web server but unintended behavior on App Engine.

48 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application App Engine needs one additional configuration file that isn’t part of the servlet stan- dard. Open or create the file war/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml, and give it contents similar to Example 2-11.

Example 2-11. The appengine-web.xml file, with App Engine-specific configuration for the Java app clock 1 true

In this example, the configuration file tells App Engine that this is version 1 of an application called clock. We also declare the app to be thread-safe, authorizing App Engine to reuse an application instance to serve multiple requests simultaneously. (Of course, we must also make sure our code is thread-safe when we do this.) You can also use this configuration file to control other behaviors, such as static files and sessions. For more information, see Chapter 3. The WAR for the application must include several JARs from the App Engine SDK: the Java EE implementation JARs, and the App Engine API JAR. The Eclipse plug-in installs these JARs in the WAR automatically. If you are not using the Eclipse plug-in, you must copy these JARs manually. Look in the SDK directory in the lib/user/ and lib/shared/ subdirectories. Copy every .jar file from these directories to the war/WEB-INF/lib/ di- rectory in your project. Finally, the servlet class must be compiled. Eclipse compiles all your classes automat- ically, as needed. If you are not using Eclipse, you probably want to use a build tool such as Apache Ant to compile source code and perform other build tasks. See the official App Engine documentation for information on using Apache Ant to build App Engine projects. I suppose it’s traditional to explain how to compile a Java project from the command line using the javac command. You can do so by putting each of the JARs from war/ WEB-INF/lib/ and the war/WEB-INF/classes/ directory in the classpath, and making sure the compiled classes end up in the classes/ directory. But in the real world, you want your IDE or an Ant script to take care of this for you. One more thing for Eclipse users: the Eclipse new-project wizard created a static file named war/index.html. Delete it by right-clicking on it in the Project Explorer, selecting Delete, then clicking OK. (If you don’t delete it, this static file will take precedence over the servlet mapping we just created.) It’s time to test this application with the development web server. The Eclipse plug-in can run the application and the development server inside the Eclipse debugger. To start it, select the Run menu, Debug As, and Web Application. The server starts, and prints the following message to the Console panel: The server is running at http://localhost:8888/

Developing the Application | 49 If you are not using Eclipse, you can start the development server, using the dev_appserver command ( for Mac OS X or Linux). The command takes the path to the WAR directory as an argument, like so: dev_appserver war The command-line tool uses a different default port than the Eclipse plug-in uses (8080 instead of 8888). You can change the port used by the command-line tool with the -- port argument, such as --port=8888. Test your application by visiting the server’s URL in a web browser: http://localhost:8888 The browser displays a page similar to the Python example, shown earlier in Figure 2-4.

Introducing JSPs, JSTL, and EL Right now, our clock displays the time in the UTC time zone. We’d like for our appli- cation to let the user customize the time zone, and to remember the user’s preference for future visits. To do that, we use Google Accounts to identify which user is using the application. Before we go any further, we should introduce a way to keep our HTML separate from our servlet code. This allows us to maintain the “business logic”—the code that im- plements the main purpose of our app—separately from the appearance of the app, making our logic easier to test and our appearance easier to change. Typically, you would use a templating system to define the appearance of the app in files that contain the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and leave blanks where the dynamic data should go. There are many fine templating systems to choose from in Java, such as Apache Ve- locity. For this example, we use Java Servlet Pages, or JSPs. JSPs are a standard part of J2EE, which means you do not have to install anything else to use them. A JSP contains a mix of text (HTML) and Java code that defines the logic of the page. The JSP compiles to a servlet, just like the ClockServlet we already defined, that’s equivalent to writing out the HTML portions, and evaluating the Java portions. In a sense, JSPs are just another way of writing servlet code. JSPs are often criticized for being too powerful. Since the full Java language is available from within a JSP, there is a risk that business logic may creep into the templates, and you no longer have a useful separation. To mitigate this, later versions of the JSP spec- ification included new ways of describing template logic that are intentionally less powerful than full Java code: the Java Servlet Templating Language (JSTL) and the JSP Expression Language (EL). We use these features for this example, and other places in the book where templated output is required. Edit to resemble Example 2-12.

50 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application Example 2-12. Code for that displays Google Accounts information and links package clock;

import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.SimpleTimeZone; import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.*;

import; import; import;

@SuppressWarnings("serial") public class ClockServlet extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException, ServletException { SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSSSSS"); fmt.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(0, ""));

UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService(); User user = userService.getCurrentUser(); String loginUrl = userService.createLoginURL("/"); String logoutUrl = userService.createLogoutURL("/");

req.setAttribute("user", user); req.setAttribute("loginUrl", loginUrl); req.setAttribute("logoutUrl", logoutUrl); req.setAttribute("currentTime", fmt.format(new Date()));


RequestDispatcher jsp = req.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/home.jsp"); jsp.forward(req, resp); } }

Next, create a new file named home.jsp in the war/WEB-INF/ directory of your project, and give it contents similar to Example 2-13.

Example 2-13. Code for that displays Google Accounts information and links <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %> The Time Is...

Developing the Application | 51 Welcome, ${}! You can sign out.

Welcome! Sign in or register to customize.

The time is: ${currentTime}

Using Eclipse, you can leave the development web server running while you edit code. When you save changes to code, Eclipse compiles the class, and if it compiles success- fully, Eclipse injects the new class into the already-running server. In most cases, you can simply reload the page in your browser, and it will use the new code. If you are not using Eclipse, shut down the development server by hitting Ctrl-C. Re- compile your project, then start the server again. Reload the new version of the clock app in your browser. The new page resembles the Python example, shown previously in Figure 2-5. Here’s everything we’re going to say about JSPs, JSTL, and EL in this book: • Remember that home.jsp represents a servlet. In this case, it’s one that expects certain attributes to be set in its context. ClockServlet invokes home.jsp by setting attributes on the HttpServletRequest object via its setAttribute() method, then forwarding the request and response to the home.jsp servlet. • The forwarding takes place via a RequestDispatcher set up for the home.jsp servlet. In this case, we keep home.jsp inside the /WEB-INF/ directory, so that the servlet container doesn’t map it to a URL. If the JSP resided outside of /WEB-INF/, a URL to that path (from the WAR root) would map to the JSP servlet, and the servlet container would invoke it directly (assuming no explicit URL pattern matched the URL). • The getRequestDispatcher() method of the request instance takes a path to a JSP and returns its RequestDispatcher. Make sure the path starts with a forward slash (/). • To invoke the JSP, ClockServlet calls the forward() method of the RequestDis patcher, passing the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects as ar- guments. The forward() method may throw the ServletException; in this example, we just add a throws clause to doGet(). • A JSP contains text (HTML) and specially formatted directives. This example con- tains one directive, <%@ taglib ... %>, which loads a JSTL tag library. You might also see <% ... %>, which contains Java code that becomes part of the servlet, and

52 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application <%= ... %>, which contains a Java expression whose string form is printed to the page. • ..., ..., and ... are examples of JSTL tags. These come from the /jsp/jstl/core tag library imported by taglib import directive in the first line. The c: is the prefix associated with the library in the import directive. Here, the structure renders the block when the user is signed in, and the block otherwise. • ${user != null} is an example of an EL expression. An EL expression can appear in the text of the document, where its value is rendered into the text, or in a JSTL tag attribute, where its value is used by the tag. The expression ${logoutUrl} ren- ders the String value of the logoutUrl attribute set by ClockServlet. $ {} is an example of accessing a JavaBean property of a value: the result is equivalent to calling the getEmail() method of the User object value. ${user != null} shows how an EL expression can use simple operators, in this case producing a boolean value used by the . For this book, we’ll stick to simple features of JSPs, JSTL, and EL, and not provide additional explanation. For more information about these J2EE features, see Head First Servlets and JSP by Brian Basham et al. (O’Reilly).

Be careful when mapping the URL pattern /* to a servlet in your de- ployment descriptor when using request dispatchers in this way. Ex- plicit URL mappings override the default JSP path mapping, and the request dispatcher will honor it when determining the servlet for the path. If you have a /* URL mapping that might match a JSP path, you must have an explicit JSP URL mapping in the deployment descriptor that overrides it:

home-jsp /WEB-INF/home.jsp home-jsp /WEB-INF/home.jsp

clock clock.ClockServlet clock /*

Note that a mapping in /WEB-INF/ is still hidden from clients. A request for /WEB-INF/home.jsp will return a 404 Not Found error, and will not invoke the JSP servlet.

Developing the Application | 53 Users and Google Accounts The ClockServlet in Example 2-12 calls the Users API to get information about the user who may or may not be signed in with a Google Account. This interface is provided by the package. The app gets a UserService instance by calling the getUserService() method of the UserServiceFactory class. Then it calls the getCurrentUser() method of the UserService, which returns a User object, or null if the current user is not signed in. The getEmail() method of the User object returns the email address for the user. The createLoginURL() and createLogoutURL() methods of the UserService generate URLs that go to Google Accounts. Each of these methods takes a URL path for the app where the user should be redirected after performing the desired task. The login URL goes to the Google Accounts page where the user can sign in or register for a new account. The logout URL visits Google Accounts to sign out the current user, and then immediately redirects back to the given application URL without displaying anything. If you click on the “Sign in or register” link with the app running in the development server, the link goes to the development server’s simulated version of the Google Ac- counts sign-in screen, similar to the Python version shown earlier in Figure 2-6. At this screen, you can enter any email address, and the development server will proceed as if you are signed in with an account that has that address. If this app were running on App Engine, the login and logout URLs would go to the actual Google Accounts locations. Once signed in or out, Google Accounts redirects back to the given URL path for the live application. Click on “Sign in or register,” then enter an email address (such as [email protected]) and click on the Login button on the simulated Google Accounts screen. The clock app now looks like Figure 2-7 (shown earlier). To sign out again, click the “sign out” link. In addition to the UserService API, an app can also get information about the current user with the servlet “user principal” interface. The app can call the getUserPrincipal() method on the HttpServletRequest object to get a java .security.Principal object, or null if the user is not signed in. This object has a get Name() method, which in App Engine is equivalent to calling the getEmail() method of a User object. The main advantage to getting user information from the servlet interface is that the servlet interface is a standard. Coding an app to use standard interfaces makes the app easier to port to alternate implementations, such as other servlet-based web application environments or private servers. As much as possible, App Engine implements standard interfaces for its services and features. The disadvantage to the standard interfaces is that not all standard interfaces represent all of App Engine’s features, and in some cases the App Engine services don’t implement every feature of an interface. All services include a nonstandard “low-level” API, which you can use directly or use to implement adapters to other interfaces.

54 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application Web forms and the datastore Now that we can identify the user, we can prompt for the user’s preferences and re- member them for future requests. We can store preferences data in the App Engine datastore. There are several ways to use the datastore from Java. The simplest way is to call the datastore API directly. This API lets you create and manipulate entities (records) in the datastore by using instances of an Entity class. Entities have named properties, which you can get and set using getProperty() and setProperty() methods. The API is easy to understand, and has a direct correspondence with the concepts of the datastore. We’ll use the datastore API for this tutorial and the next few chapters.

The datastore API is sufficient for many uses, but it’s not particularly Java-like to represent to data objects as instances of a generic Entity class. It’d be better if data objects could be represented by real Java objects, with classes, fields, and accessor methods that describe the role of the data in your code. The App Engine SDK includes support for two major standard interfaces for manipulating data in this way: Java Data Objects (JDO) and the Java Persistence API (JPA). With JDO and JPA, you use regular Java classes to describe the structure of data, and include annotations that tell the interface how to save the data to the datastore and re-create the objects when the data is fetched. We discuss JPA in detail in Chapter 10. You may also want to consider Objectify, a third-party open source li- brary with many of these benefits. Objectify is easier to use than JDO and JPA, although it is specific to App Engine.

First, let’s set up a way for a signed-in user to set a time zone preference. Edit home.jsp and add the following, just above the closing tag:

(We will populate the tzOffset attribute in a moment. If you’d like to test the form now, remove the ${tzOffset} reference temporarily.) This web form includes a text field for the user’s time zone preference, and a button that submits the form. When the user submits the form, the browser issues an HTTP

Developing the Application | 55 POST request (specified by the method attribute) to the URL /prefs (the action at- tribute), with a request body containing the form field data. Naturally, we need a new servlet to handle these requests. Create a new servlet class PrefsServlet ( with the code shown in Example 2-14.

Example 2-14. The PrefsServlet class, a servlet that handles the user preferences form package clock; import; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import;

@SuppressWarnings("serial") public class PrefsServlet extends HttpServlet { public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {

UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService(); User user = userService.getCurrentUser();

DatastoreService ds = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); Key userKey = KeyFactory.createKey("UserPrefs", user.getUserId()); Entity userPrefs = new Entity(userKey);

try { int tzOffset = new Integer(req.getParameter("tz_offset")).intValue();

userPrefs.setProperty("tz_offset", tzOffset); userPrefs.setProperty("user", user); ds.put(userPrefs);

} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // User entered a value that wasn't an integer. Ignore for now. }

resp.sendRedirect("/"); } }

A datastore entity has a kind, which groups related entities together for the purpose of queries. Here, the user’s time zone preference is stored in an entity of the kind "User

56 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application Prefs" . This entity has two properties. The first is named "tzOffset", and its value is the user’s time zone offset, an integer. The second is "user", which contains a repre- sentation of the User value that represents the currently signed-in user. Each datastore entity has a key that is unique across all entities. A simple key contains the kind, and either an app-assigned string (the key name) or a system-assigned number (referred to in the API as an ID). In this case, we provide a key name equal to the user ID from the User value. The entity is saved to the datastore by the call to the ds.put() method. If an entity with the given key does not exist, the put() method creates a new one. If the entity does exist, put() replaces it. In a more typical case involving more properties, you would fetch the entity by key or with a query, update properties, then save it back to the datastore. But for PrefsServlet, it is sufficient to replace the entity without reading the old data. When we are done updating the datastore, we respond with a redirect back to the main page (/). It is a best practice to reply to the posting of a web form with a redirect, to prevent the user from accidentally resubmitting the form by using the “back” button of the browser. It’d be better to offer more visual feedback for this action, but this will do for now. Edit web.xml to map the new servlet to the /prefs URL used by the form. Add these lines just before the closing tag: Prefs clock.PrefsServlet Prefs /prefs

prefs /prefs * The order in which the URL mappings appear in the file does not matter. Longer pat- terns (not counting wildcards) match before shorter ones. The block tells App Engine that only users signed in with a Google Account can access the URL /prefs. If a user who is not signed in attempts to access this URL, App Engine redirects the user to Google Accounts to sign in. When the user signs in, she is directed back to the URL she attempted to access. A security

Developing the Application | 57 constraint is a convenient way to implement Google Accounts authentication for a set of URLs. In this case, it means that PrefsServlet does not need to handle the case where someone tries to submit data to the URL without being signed in. Finally, edit the doGet() method in the ClockServlet class to fetch the UserPrefs entity and use its value, if one exists. Add this code prior to where the "currentTime" attribute is set, with the imports in the appropriate place: import; import; import; import; import; import;

// ... Entity userPrefs = null; if (user != null) { DatastoreService ds = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); Key userKey = KeyFactory.createKey("UserPrefs", user.getUserId()); try { userPrefs = ds.get(userKey); } catch (EntityNotFoundException e) { // No user preferences stored. } } if (userPrefs != null) { int tzOffset = ((Long) userPrefs.getProperty("tz_offset")).intValue(); fmt.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(tzOffset * 60 * 60 * 1000, "")); req.setAttribute("tzOffset", tzOffset); } else { req.setAttribute("tzOffset", 0); } This code retrieves the UserPrefs entity by reconstructing its key, then calling the get() method of the DatastoreService. This either returns the Entity, or throws Enti tyNotFoundException. In this case, if it’s not found, we fall back on the default setting of 0 for the time zone offset. If it is found, we update the SimpleDateFormat to use the setting. In either case, we populate the "tzOffset" attribute with a value, which is displayed in the form.

58 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application Notice the casting of the property value in this example. When we set the property in the PrefsServlet class, we used an int value. The data- store only has a long integer value type internally, so it upgraded the value before storing it. When we retrieve the property with getProp erty(), it comes out as a Long. (This value is null if the entity has no property of that name.) We must cast the value to a Long, then call its intValue() method to get our int. This is where a data framework like JPA or Objectify comes in handy. Such a framework handles the marshaling of values and casting of types automatically, and can provide a degree of protection for type consis- tency. The datastore itself is “schemaless,” which is important to un- derstand as you modify your data model over the lifetime of your ap- plication.

Restart your development server, then reload the page to see the customizable clock in action. Try changing the time zone by submitting the form. Also try signing out, then signing in again using the same email address, and again with a different email address. The app remembers the time zone preference for each user.

Caching with memcache So far, our application fetches the object from the datastore every time a signed-in user visits the site. Since user preferences data doesn’t change very often, we can speed up the per-request data access using the memory cache (memcache) as secondary storage. We need to make two changes to our app to achieve this. The first is to update Clock Servlet to check the cache. If the value is found in the cache, ClockServlet uses it. If it is not found, it falls back on reading from the datastore as before. If the value is found in the datastore but not in the cache, it stores the value in the cache for use by future requests. The second change we need is to PrefsServlet. When the user updates her preference, we must invalidate (delete) the value in the cache. The next attempt to read the value— likely the redirect to ClockServlet that immediately follows the form submission—will see the cache does not have the value, get it from the datastore, and update the cache.

We could have PrefsServlet update the cache itself, but we must have ClockServlet populate the cache as needed. Memcache is not durable storage, and could delete any value at any time. That’s what makes it fast. If ClockServlet did not update the cache, the value could go miss- ing, and performance would degrade until the next time the user updates her preference. To keep things simple, we make ClockServlet respon- sible for all cache updates, and simply delete the value from the cache when it changes in the datastore in PrefsServlet.

Developing the Application | 59 Edit the lines we just added to ClockServlet to use the cache, putting the new imports in the appropriate place: import; import;

// ... Entity userPrefs = null; if (user != null) { DatastoreService ds = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); MemcacheService memcache = MemcacheServiceFactory.getMemcacheService();

String cacheKey = "UserPrefs:" + user.getUserId(); userPrefs = (Entity) memcache.get(cacheKey); if (userPrefs == null) { Key userKey = KeyFactory.createKey("UserPrefs", user.getUserId()); try { userPrefs = ds.get(userKey); memcache.put(cacheKey, userPrefs); } catch (EntityNotFoundException e) { // No user preferences stored. } } }

if (userPrefs != null) { int tzOffset = ((Long) userPrefs.getProperty("tz_offset")).intValue(); fmt.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(tzOffset * 60 * 60 * 1000, "")); req.setAttribute("tzOffset", tzOffset); } else { req.setAttribute("tzOffset", 0); } Similarly, edit the doPost() method of PrefsServlet to delete the cached value (if any) when performing an update: import; import;

// ... MemcacheService memcache = MemcacheServiceFactory.getMemcacheService(); String cacheKey = "UserPrefs:" + user.getUserId();

try { int tzOffset = new Integer(req.getParameter("tz_offset")).intValue();

userPrefs.setProperty("tz_offset", tzOffset); userPrefs.setProperty("user", user); ds.put(userPrefs); memcache.delete(cacheKey);

} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // User entered a value that wasn't an integer. Ignore for now. }

60 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application Any object you store in the memcache must be serializable. That is, it must implement the Serializable interface from the package. The Entity class is serializable. You can also use any serializable object as the key for a cache value; in this case we just use a String. Reload the page to see the new version work. To make the caching behavior more visible, you can add logging statements to ClockServlet, like so: import java.util.logging.*;

// ... public class ClockServlet extends HttpServlet { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ClockServlet.class.getName());

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException, ServletException {

// ... userPrefs = (Entity) memcache.get(cacheKey); if (userPrefs == null) { log.warning("CACHE MISS"); } else { log.warning("CACHE HIT"); }

// ... } } The development server prints logging output to the console. If you are using Eclipse, these messages appear in the Console pane.

The Development Console Both the Python and Java development web servers include a handy feature for in- specting and debugging your application while testing on your local machine: a web- based development console. With your development server running, visit the following URL in a browser to access the console: http://localhost:8080/_ah/admin (Java Eclipse users, remember that your default port number is 8888.) In the Python Launcher, you can also click the SDK Console button to open the console in a browser window. Figure 2-10 shows the Datastore Viewer in the Python console. The Java Development Console has most of the same features as the Python version, but not all. The Development Console’s Datastore Viewer lets you list and inspect entities by kind, edit entities, and create new ones. You can edit the values for existing properties, but you cannot delete properties or add new ones, nor can you change the type of the value.

Developing the Application | 61 Figure 2-10. The Development Console’s Datastore Viewer, Python version For new entities, the console makes a guess as to which properties belong on the entity based on existing entities of that kind, and displays a form to fill in those properties. Similarly, you can only create new entities of existing kinds, and cannot create new kinds from the console. You can use the console to inspect the application’s task queues, to see tasks currently on the queue (in the local instance of the app), run them ahead of schedule, and flush them. By default, the development server drives task queues in the background. You can disable this behavior for debugging purposes. See Chapter 16. You can test how your app receives email and XMPP messages by sending it mock messages through the console. Simply select the Inbound Mail or XMPP section of the console, then fill out a form with the message data. Some features are exclusive to the Python development server. An “interactive console” lets you type Python code directly in the browser, execute it in the (local) server envi- ronment, and see the result. In addition to the datastore viewer, the Python console has a memcache viewer for inspecting and manipulating cache values. The Python console also makes it easy to inspect task queue and scheduled task (“cron job”) con- figuration. The Java development server includes a way to simulate conditions of the Capabilities API. This API lets Java apps interrogate service status programmatically, so the app can respond automatically to scheduled or unplanned maintenance outages. You can tell the development server to simulate various conditions to test your app.

The Python Interactive Console An especially powerful feature of the Python console is the “Interactive Console.” This feature lets you type arbitrary Python code directly into a web form and see the results

62 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application displayed in the browser. You can use this to write ad hoc Python code to test and manipulate the datastore, memcache, and global data within the local development server. Here’s an example: run your clock application, sign in with an email address, and then set a time zone preference, such as -8. Now open the Python development console, then select Interactive Console. In the lefthand text box, enter the following, where -8 is the time zone preference you used: from google.appengine.ext import db import models

q = models.UserPrefs.gql("WHERE tz_offset = -8")

for prefs in q: print prefs.user Click the Run Program button. The code runs, and the email address you used appears in the righthand box. Code run in the development console behaves just like application code. If you perform a datastore query that needs a custom index, the development server adds configuration for that index to the application’s index.yaml configuration file. Datastore index con- figuration is discussed in Chapter 6.

Registering the Application Before you can upload your application to App Engine and share it with the world, you must first create a developer account, then register an application ID. If you intend to use a custom domain name (instead of the free domain name included with every app), you must also set up the Google Apps service for the domain. You can do all of this from the App Engine Administration Console. To access the Administration Console, visit the following URL in your browser: Sign in using the Google account you intend to use as your developer account. If you don’t already have a Google account (such as a account), you can create one using any email address. Once you have signed in, the Console displays a list of applications you have created, if any, and a button to “Create an Application,” similar to Figure 2-11. From this screen, you can create and manage multiple applications, each with its own URL, configura- tion, and resource limits. When you register your first application ID, the Administration Console prompts you to verify your developer account, using an SMS message sent to your mobile phone. After you enter your mobile phone number, Google sends an SMS to your phone with a confirmation code. Enter this code to continue the registration process. You can verify

Registering the Application | 63 Figure 2-11. The Administration Console application list, with one app only one account per phone number, so if you have only one mobile number (like most people), be sure to use it with the account you intend to use with App Engine. If you don’t have a mobile phone number, you can apply to Google for manual verifi- cation by filling out a web form. This process takes about a week. For information on applying for manual verification, see the official App Engine website. You can have up to 10 active applications created by a given developer account. You can disable an application to reclaim a slot. You have four decisions to make when creating a new application: • The application ID • The application title • Authentication options • Storage options Of these, only the application title can be changed later.

The Application ID and Title When you click the “Create an Application” button, the Console prompts for an ap- plication identifier. The application ID must be unique across all App Engine applica- tions, just like an account username. The application ID identifies your application when you interact with App Engine using the developer tools. The tools get the application ID from the application configuration file. For Python applications, you specify the app ID in the app.yaml file, on the application: line. For Java applications, you enter it in the element of the appengine-web.xml file.

64 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application In the example earlier in this chapter, we chose the application ID “clock” arbitrarily. If you’d like to try uploading this application to App Engine, remember to edit the app’s configuration file (app.yaml for Python, appengine-web.xml for Java) after you register the application to change the application ID to the one you chose.

The application ID is part of the domain name you can use to test the application running on App Engine. Every application gets a free domain name that looks like this: The application ID is also part of email and XMPP addresses the app can use to receive incoming messages. See Chapter 14 and Chapter 15. Because the application ID is used in the domain name, an ID can contain only low- ercase letters, numbers, or hyphens, and must be shorter than 32 characters. Addi- tionally, Google reserves every Gmail username as an application ID that only the cor- responding Gmail user can register. As with usernames on most popular websites, a user-friendly application ID may be hard to come by. When you register a new application, the Console also prompts for an “application title.” This title is used to represent your application throughout the Console and the rest of the system. In particular, it is displayed to a user when the application directs the user to sign in with a Google account. Make sure the title is what you want your users to see. Once you have registered an application, its ID cannot be changed, although you can delete the application and create a new one. You can change the title for an app at any time from the Administration Console. Registering an application ID makes it permanently unavailable for others to register, or for you to reregister later, even if you disable or delete the app.

Setting Up a Domain Name If you are developing a professional or commercial application, you probably want to use your own domain name instead of the domain as the official location of your application. You can set up a custom domain name for your App Engine app by using Google’s “software ,” Google Apps. Google Apps provides hosted applications for your business or organization, including email (with Gmail and POP/IMAP interfaces); calendaring (Google Calendar); chat (Google Talk); hosted word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations (Google Docs); easy-to-edit websites (); video hosting; and so forth. You can also purchase access to third-party applications for your domain at the Google Apps Mar- ketplace. You associate these services with your organization’s domain name by map- ping the domain to Google’s servers in its DNS record, either by letting Google manage

Registering the Application | 65 the DNS for the domain or by pointing subdomains to Google in your own DNS con- figuration. Your organization’s members access the hosted services by using your do- main name. With App Engine, you can add your own applications to subdomains of your domain. Even if you do not intend to use the other Google Apps services, you can use Google Apps to associate your own domain with your App Engine application.

The website for Google Apps indicates that Standard Edition accounts are “ad-supported.” This refers to ads that appear on Google products such as Gmail. It does not refer to App Engine: Google does not place ads on the pages of App Engine applications, even those using free ac- counts. Of course, you can put ads on your own sites, but that’s your choice—and your ad revenue.

If you have not set up Google Apps for your domain already, you can do so during the application ID registration process. You can also set up Google Apps from the Admin- istration Console after you have registered the app ID. If you haven’t yet purchased a domain name, you can do so while setting up Google Apps, and you can host the domain on Google’s name servers for free. To use a domain you purchased previously, follow the instructions on the website to point the domain to Google’s servers. Once you have set up Google Apps for a domain, you can access the Google Apps dashboard at a URL similar to the following: To add an App Engine application as a service, click the “Add more services” link, then find Google App Engine in the list. Enter the application ID for your app, then click “Add it now.” On the following settings screen, you can configure a subdomain of your domain name for the application. All web traffic to this subdomain will go to the ap- plication.

Google Apps does not support routing web traffic for the top-level do- main (such as directly to an App Engine app. If you set up Google Apps to manage the DNS for the full domain name, an HTTP request to the top-level domain will redirect to http://, and you can assign the www subdomain to your App Engine app. If Google does not maintain the DNS record for your do- main, you will need to set up the redirect yourself using a web server associated with the top-level domain. By default, the subdomain www is assigned to Google Sites, even if you do not have the Sites app activated. To release this subdomain for use with App Engine, first enable the Sites service, then edit the settings for Sites and remove the www subdomain.

66 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application Google Apps and Authentication The authentication options section of the new application form controls the behavior of the app’s use of Google Accounts. By default, any Google account is allowed to sign in, and it’s up to the app to decide which accounts can proceed. The alternative is to automatically restrict sign-in to accounts on the Google Apps domain. You would pick the latter option if you are using Google Apps to manage accounts on your domain, and wish to restrict access to the app to just those accounts. Google Apps allows your organization’s members (employees, contractors, volunteers) to create user accounts with email addresses that use your domain name (such as [email protected]). Members can sign in with these accounts to access services that are private to your organization, such as email or word processing. Using Apps ac- counts, you can restrict access to certain documents and services to members of the organization. It’s like a hosted intranet that members can access from anywhere. Similarly, you can limit access to your App Engine applications to just those users with accounts on the domain. This lets you use App Engine for internal applications such as project management or sales reporting. When an App Engine application is restricted to an organization’s domain, only members of the organization can sign in to the ap- plication’s Google Accounts prompt. Other Google accounts are denied access. This authentication restriction must be set when the application is registered, in the Authentication Options section of the registration form. The default setting allows any user with a Google account to sign in to the application, leaving it up to the application to decide how to respond to each user. When the app is restricted to a Google Apps domain, only users with Google accounts on the domain can sign in. After the application ID has been registered, the authentication options cannot be changed. If you want different authentication options for your application, you must register a new application ID. The restriction applies only to the application’s use of Google Accounts. If the appli- cation has any URLs that can be accessed without signing in to Google Accounts (such as a welcome page), those URLs will still be accessible by everyone. One of the simplest ways to restrict access to a URL is with application configuration. For example, a Python application can require sign-in for all URLs with the following in the app.yaml file: handlers: - url: /.* script: main.application login: required A Java app can do something similar in the application’s deployment descriptor (web.xml). See Chapter 3.

Registering the Application | 67 The sign-in restriction applies even when the user accesses the app, using the app- domain. The user does not need to be accessing the app with the Apps domain for the authentication restriction to be enforced. If you or other members of your organization want to use Google Apps accounts as developer accounts, you must access the Administration Console by using a special URL. For example, if your Apps domain is, you would use the following URL to access the Administration Console: You sign in to the domain’s Console with your Apps account (for instance, [email protected]). If you create an app by using a non-Apps account and restrict its authentication to the domain, you will still be able to access the Administration Console by using the non- Apps account. However, you will not be able to sign in to the app itself with that account, including when accessing URLs restricted to administrators.

Uploading the Application In a traditional web application environment, releasing an application to the world can be a laborious process. Getting the latest software and configuration to multiple web servers and backend services in the right order and at the right time to minimize down- time and prevent breakage is often difficult and delicate. With App Engine, deployment is as simple as uploading the files with a single click or command. You can upload and test multiple versions of your application, and set any uploaded version to be the current public version. For Python apps, you can upload an app from the Launcher, or from a command prompt. From the Launcher, select the app to deploy, then click the Deploy button. From a command prompt, run the command as follows, substituting the path to your application directory for clock: update clock As with, clock is just the path to the directory. If the current working directory is the clock/ directory, you can use the relative path, a dot (.). For Java apps, you can upload from Eclipse using the Google plug-in, or from a com- mand prompt. In Eclipse, click the “Deploy to App Engine” button (the little App Engine logo) in the Eclipse toolbar. Or from a command prompt, run the appcfg (or command from the SDK’s bin/ directory as follows, using the path to your application’s WAR directory for war: appcfg update war When prompted by these tools, enter your developer account’s email address and password. The tools remember your credentials for subsequent runs so you don’t have

68 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application to enter them every time. (If your developer account uses two-step authentication, see the next section.) The upload process determines the application ID and version number from the app configuration file—app.yaml for Python apps, appengine-web.xml for Java apps—then uploads and installs the files and configuration as the given version of the app. After you upload an application for the first time, you can access the application immediately using either the subdomain or the custom Google Apps domain you set up earlier. For example, if the application ID is clock, you can access the application with the following URL:

If your app is written in Python, a Python developer can download all files for an app she uploaded, including Python code. Only the developer that uploaded the app can download the files. This feature can be dis- abled, and once it is disabled, it cannot be reenabled. You can only do this with Python apps. See the official documentation for the download_app command. This feature is not a substitute for proper file management practices. Make sure you are retaining copies of your application files, such as with a revision control system and regular backups.

Using Two-Step Verification All Google accounts have an optional security feature called two-step verification. With this feature enabled, when you sign in to a Google web application, you are prompted for two things: your account password, and a temporary security code that Google sends to your mobile phone number via text message (or a recorded voice message) when you try to sign in. This protects your account by requiring something you know (your password) and something you have (your phone). Two-step verification is an all-around good idea, and if you have a mobile phone, you should enable it for your Google account. To enable two-step verification, visit your Google account settings: In the Security section, find “2-step verification.” If this is “off,” click Edit, then follow the prompts. The set-up process involves registering your phone number and receiving a test code. For web applications and applications that can use browser-based sign-in (OAuth), two-step verification works as expected. When you sign in to the Google Plugin for Eclipse, for example, the plug-in opens a browser-like window to display the sign-in prompts on Google’s website. The process grants Eclipse a token that it can use to interact with App Engine, without needing to know or store your Google account

Uploading the Application | 69 password. The token stays valid indefinitely: Eclipse will not prompt you again until the next time you sign out then sign back in again. The Python command-line tool can also use browser-based sign-in. If you provide the --oauth2 flag, the command will attempt to open a web browser for you to sign in with your Google account and grant access to the account for the tool: update --oauth2 clock Some applications can’t use, or don’t yet know how to use, browser-based authenti- cation. This includes the Python launcher, the Java tool, and the Python tool when run without the --oauth2 flag. With two-step authentication en- abled, your regular Google account password will not work with these applications. Instead, you generate an application-specific password, and use it in that application where you previously used your account password. To generate an application-specific password, go to your Google account settings, Se- curity, find “Authorizing applications and sites,” and click Edit. Enter your account password when prompted. Scroll down to “Application-specific passwords,” then type a name you can use to remember what this password is for. (This name can be anything, such as “App Engine.” It is only used in the list of generated passwords for when you wish to revoke it later.) Click “Generate password.” Google generates the password and displays it. You do not need to memorize this password. But you shouldn’t write it down, either: it otherwise acts like an old-fashioned (one-step) password. The Python Launcher on the Mac can store this password in your OS X keychain. The command-line tools will attempt to remember this password for your current session. If any of these tools needs a password again, open your account settings in a browser, revoke the old password, then generate a new one. There is no way to retrieve a previously generated password. You can revoke access for both kinds of applications from the “Authorizing applications and sites” screen. It’s always safe to revoke access for apps you aren’t currently using. You can reauthorize an application later by signing in again, either with two-step ver- ification or with a new application-specific password.

Introducing the Administration Console You manage your live application from your browser, using the App Engine Adminis- tration Console. You saw the Console when you registered the application, but as a reminder, you can access the Console at the following URL: If your app uses a Google Apps domain name and you are using an Apps account on the domain as your developer account, you must use the Apps address of the Admin- istration Console:

70 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application Figure 2-12. The Administration Console dashboard for a new app Select your application (click its ID) to go to the Console for the app. The first screen you see is the Dashboard, shown in Figure 2-12. The Dashboard sum- marizes the current and past status of your application, including traffic and load, re- source usage, and error rates. You can view charts for the request rate, the amount of time spent on each request, error rates, bandwidth and CPU usage, and whether your application is hitting its resource limits. If you’ve already tested your new application, you should see a spike in the requests- per-second chart. The scale of the chart goes up to the highest point in the chart, so the spike reaches the top of the graph even though you have only accessed the application a few times. The Administration Console is your home base for managing your live application. From here, you can examine how the app is using resources, browse the application’s request and message logs, and query the datastore and check the status of its indexes.

Introducing the Administration Console | 71 You can also manage multiple versions of your app, so you can test a newly uploaded version before making it the live “default” version. You can invite other people to be developers of the app, allowing them to access the Administration Console and upload new files. And when you’re ready to take on large amounts of traffic, you can establish a billing account, set a daily budget, and monitor expenses. Take a moment to browse the Console, especially the Dashboard, Logs, and Data sec- tions. Throughout this book, we discuss how an application consumes system resour- ces, and how you can optimize an app for speed and cost effectiveness. You will use the Administration Console to track resource consumption and diagnose problems.

72 | Chapter 2: Creating an Application CHAPTER 3 Configuring an Application

A web application is an application that responds to requests over the Web. Typically, these requests come from a user’s web browser, when the user types the URL of your app or visits a link or bookmark, or when your app’s JavaScript client code makes requests of its own. Requests could also come from other clients on the network, such as mobile or desktop applications, or systems accessing your app as a service. To build an App Engine application, you write code for one or more request handlers, and describe to App Engine which requests go to which handlers, using configuration. The life of a request handler begins when a single request arrives, and ends when the handler has done the necessary work and calculated the response. App Engine does all the heavy lifting of accepting incoming TCP/IP connections, read- ing HTTP request data, ensuring that an instance of your app is running on an appli- cation server, routing the request to an available instance, calling the appropriate re- quest handler code in your app, and collecting the response from the handler and sending it back over the connection to the client. The system that manages and routes requests is known generally as the frontend. You can configure the frontend to handle different requests in different ways. For instance, you can tell the frontend to route requests for some URLs to App Engine’s static file servers instead of the application servers, for efficient delivery of your app’s images, CSS, or JavaScript code. If your app takes advantage of Google Accounts for its users, you can tell the frontend to route requests from signed-in users to your application’s request handlers, and to redirect all other requests to the Google Accounts sign-in screen. The frontend is also responsible for handling requests over secure connections, using HTTP over SSL (sometimes called “HTTPS,” the URL scheme for such requests). Your app code only sees the request after it has been decoded, and the frontend takes care of encoding the response. In this chapter, we take a look at App Engine’s request handling architecture, and follow the path of a web request through the system. We discuss how to configure the system to handle different kinds of requests, including requests for static content, requests for the application to perform work, and requests over secure connections. We also cover

73 Figure 3-1. The App Engine request handling architecture other frontend features such as custom error pages, and application features you can activate called “built-ins.”

The App Engine Architecture The architecture of App Engine—and therefore an App Engine application—can be summarized as shown in Figure 3-1. (There are some lines missing from this simplified diagram. For instance, frontends have direct access to the Blobstore. We’ll take a closer look at these in later chapters.) The first stop for an incoming request is the App Engine frontend. A load balancer, a dedicated system for distributing requests optimally across multiple machines, routes the request to one of many frontend servers. The frontend determines the app for which the request is intended from the request’s domain name, either the Google Apps domain and subdomain or the subdomain. It then consults the app’s configuration to determine the next step. The app’s configuration describes how the frontends should treat requests based on their URL paths. A URL path may map to a static file that should be served to the client directly, such as an image or a file of JavaScript code. Or, a URL path may map to a request handler, application code that is invoked to determine the response for the request. You upload this configuration data along with the rest of your application. If the URL path for a request does not match anything in the app’s configuration, the frontends return an HTTP 404 Not Found error response to the client. By default, the frontends return a generic error response. If you want clients to receive a custom re- sponse when accessing your app (such as a friendly HTML message along with the error code), you can configure the frontend to serve a static HTML file. (In the case of

74 | Chapter 3: Configuring an Application Not Found errors, you can also just map all unmatched URL paths to an application handler, and respond any way you like.) If the URL path of the request matches the path of one of the app’s static files, the frontend routes the request to the static file servers. These servers are dedicated to the task of serving static files, with network topology and caching behavior optimized for fast delivery of resources that do not change often. You tell App Engine about your app’s static files in the app’s configuration. When you upload the app, these files are pushed to the static file servers. If the URL path of the request matches a pattern mapped to one of the application’s request handlers, the frontend sends the request to the app servers. The app server pool starts up an instance of the application on a server, or reuses an existing instance if there is one already running. The server invokes the app by calling the request handler that corresponds with the URL path of the request, according to the app configuration. A request handler runs in an application instance, a copy of your application in the memory of an application server. The instance is in a portion of the server isolated from whatever else is on the machine, set up to perform equivalently to a dedicated machine with certain hardware characteristics. The code itself executes in a runtime environ- ment prepared with everything the request handler needs to inspect the request data, call services, and evaluate the app’s code. There’s enough to say about instances and the runtime environment that we’ll give the subject its own chapter (Chapter 4). You can configure the frontend to authenticate the user with Google Accounts. The frontend can restrict access to URL paths with several levels of authorization: all users, users who have signed in, and users who are application administrators. With a Google Apps domain, you can also set your application to allow only users on the domain to access URLs, such as for an employee-only website or school campus. The frontend checks whether the user is signed in, and redirects the user to the Google Accounts sign-in screen if needed. The frontend takes the opportunity to tailor the response to the client. Most notably, the frontend compresses the response data, using the gzip format, if the client gives some indication that it supports compressed responses. This applies to both app re- sponses and static file responses, and is done automatically. The frontend uses several techniques to determine when it is appropriate to compress responses, based on web standards and known browser behaviors. If you are using a custom client that does not support compressed content, simply omit the “Accept-Encoding” request header to disable the automatic gzip behavior. The frontends, app servers, and static file servers are governed by an “app master.” Among other things, the app master is responsible for deploying new versions of ap- plication software and configuration, and updating the “default” version served on an app’s user-facing domain. Updates to an app propagate quickly, but are not atomic in the sense that only code from one version of an app is running at any one time. If you switch the default version to new software, all requests that started before the switch

The App Engine Architecture | 75 are allowed to complete using their version of the software. (An app that makes an HTTP request to itself might find itself in a situation where an older version is calling a newer version or vice versa, but you can manage that situation in your own code, if you really need to.)

Configuring a Python App The files for a Python application include Python code for request handlers and libra- ries, static files, and configuration files. On your computer, these files reside in the application root directory. Static files and application code may reside in the root di- rectory or in subdirectories. Configuration files always reside in fixed locations in the root directory. You configure the frontend for a Python application, using a file named app.yaml in the application root directory. This file is in a format called YAML, a concise human- readable data format with support for nested structures like sequences and mappings. Example 3-1 shows an example of a simple app.yaml file. We’ll discuss these features in the following sections. For now, notice a few things about the structure of the file:

• The file is a mapping of values to names. For instance, the value python is associated with the name runtime. • Values can be scalars (python, 1), sequences of other values, or mappings of values to names. The value of handlers in Example 3-1 is a sequence of two values, each of which is a mapping containing two name-value pairs. • Order is significant in sequences, but not mappings. • YAML uses indentation to indicate scope. • YAML supports all characters in the Unicode character set. The encoding is as- sumed to be UTF-8 unless the file uses a byte order mark signifying UTF-16. • A YAML file can contain comments. All characters on a line after a # character are ignored, unless the # is in a quoted string value.

Example 3-1. An example of an app.yaml configuration file application: ae-book version: 1 runtime: python27 api_version: 1 threadsafe: true handlers: - url: / static_dir: css

- url: /.* script: main.application

76 | Chapter 3: Configuring an Application libraries: - name: webapp2 version: "2.5.1"

Runtime Versions Among other things, this configuration file declares that this application (or, specifi- cally, this version of this application) uses the Python 2.7 runtime environment. It also declares which version of the Python 2.7 runtime environment to use. Currently, there is only one version of this environment, so api_version is always 1. If Google ever makes changes to the runtime environment that may be incompatible with existing applica- tions, the changes may be released using a new version number. Your app will continue to use the version of the runtime environment specified in your configuration file, giving you a chance to test your code with the new runtime version before upgrading your live application. You specify the name and version of the runtime environment in app.yaml, using the runtime and api_version elements, like so: runtime: python27 api_version: 1 Google originally launched App Engine with a runtime environment based on Python 2.5. You can use this older environment by specifying a runtime of python. Note that this book mostly covers the newer Python 2.7 environment. You’ll want to use Python 2.7 for new apps, as many recent features only work with the newer environment.

Configuring a Java App A Java application consists of files bundled in a standard format called WAR (short for “web application archive”). The WAR standard specifies the layout of a directory structure for a Java web application, including the locations of several standard con- figuration files, compiled Java classes, JAR files, static files, and other auxiliary files. Some tools that manipulate WARs support compressing the directory structure into a single file similar to a JAR. App Engine’s tools generally expect the WAR to be a di- rectory on your computer’s filesystem. Java servlet applications use a file called a “deployment descriptor” to specify how the server invokes the application. This file uses an XML format, and is part of the servlet standard specification. In a WAR, the deployment descriptor is a file named web.xml that resides in a directory named WEB-INF/, which itself is in the WAR’s root directory. Example 3-2 shows a very simple deployment descriptor.

Example 3-2. An example of a web.xml deployment descriptor file

Configuring a Java App | 77 ae-book aebook.MainServlet ae-book /*

The deployment descriptor tells the App Engine frontend most of what it needs to know, but not all. For the rest, App Engine uses a file named appengine-web.xml, also in the WEB-INF/ directory and also using XML syntax. If your code editor supports XML validation, you can find the schema definition for this file in the App Engine Java SDK. Example 3-3 shows a brief example.

Example 3-3. An example of an appengine-web.xml configuration file ae-book 1 true

The development server may add elements to this file with some default values the first time it is run. When Google releases major new features for the Java API, the release includes a new version of the SDK with an updated appengine-api-... .jar file. App Engine knows which version of the API the app is expecting by examining the API JAR included in the app’s WAR. The server may replace the JAR with a different but compatible implementation when the app is run.

Configuring a Java App with YAML Files Deployment descriptors are part of the Java servlet standard, and together with App Engine’s XML configuration files, they’re a good choice for a typical servlet-based ap- plication, especially if you may need to port your app to another servlet container in the future. The App Engine Java SDK also supports configuring a Java app by using the YAML syntax, similar to that used by the Python SDK (described in “Configuring a Python App” on page 76, above). You might use YAML files instead of XML files if your app is written in a language other than Java that uses the JVM (such as JRuby), or to take advantage of the more convenient syntax for features like access control. To use YAML configuration files with the Java runtime environment, create a file named app.yaml in your WEB-INF/ directory. If the App Engine SDK finds this file, the de- velopment server will rewrite it as web.xml and appengine-web.xml files, overwriting any already present. The app.yaml file must contain values for application (the appli- cation ID), version (the application version), and runtime (java instead of python), and one or more handlers. For example:

78 | Chapter 3: Configuring an Application application: clock version: 1 runtime: java

handlers: - url: /prefs servlet: clock.PrefsServlet login: required

- url: /* servlet: clock.ClockServlet Java YAML configuration files bear only a partial resemblance to the Python configu- ration syntax. Some important differences: • You do not specify a version number for the runtime environment for Java (api_version in Python). As when using a deployment descriptor, the runtime ver- sion is determined by the App Engine JARs in the app’s WAR. • URL patterns are not full regular expressions. Instead, they are similar to URL patterns in deployment descriptors. You can use a * wildcard at the beginning or end of a URL pattern to represent zero or more characters, and you can only use one wildcard in a pattern. • Static file configuration does not use the same syntax as in Python. Instead, you configure static files and resources in a manner similar to appengine-web.xml, using top-level static_files: and resource_files: elements in the YAML file.

YAML configuration for Java supports the same access control (login:) and secure connection (secure:) attributes for servlet configuration as Python does for script han- dlers. Features such as inbound services, warm-up requests, Admin Console pages, and custom error pages also have app configuration similar to Python. The separate con- figuration files for services, such as datastore indexes and task queues, can also be specified using YAML files (e.g., index.yaml and queue.yaml) with syntax identical to that used with Python; these files reside in your WEB-INF/ directory. Java YAML configuration also supports features specific to deployment descriptors, including servlet parameters, servlet filters, context listeners, JSPs, system properties, and environment variables, using YAML syntax. You can even include a set of deploy- ment descriptor XML in the app.yaml file by using the web_xml element. Features spe- cific to appengine-web.xml (such as sessions) also have YAML equivalents (e.g., ses sions_enabled: true). We describe all of these features throughout this book, but we will not make additional asides to describe Java YAML configuration. See the official App Engine documentation for a complete description of using YAML configuration with Java.

Domain Names Every app gets a free domain name on, based on the application ID:

Domain Names | 79 Requests for URLs that use your domain name are routed to your app by the frontend: You can register your own domain name (such as and set it up with Google Apps to point to your app. Once your domain is set up with Google Apps, you assign a subdomain of your top-level domain to point to the app. For instance, if your regis- tered domain is and you assign the www subdomain, the domain name for the app is: To set up a domain name, visit the App Engine Administration Console and select your app, then select Application Settings. Scroll down to Domain Setup. If you’ve already registered a domain and set up Google Apps, enter your domain name and click the Add Domain... button. Otherwise, click the “Sign up for Google Apps” link to go through the sign-up process. You can sign up for Google Apps with a domain you’ve already registered, or you can register a new domain at that time. (Google Apps is free, but domain registration costs money.) Google Apps does not support routing requests for the top-level domain without a subdomain. If you want users to see something when they visit, you must use your own domain name service (DNS) and web server to handle traffic to that domain name, and point subdomains to Google Apps in the DNS record. If you use the Google Apps DNS service for the domain, Google Apps will automatically redirect web requests for the bare domain to the www subdomain. The domain has a couple of useful features. One such feature is the ability to accept an additional domain name part: Requests for domain names of this form, where anything is any valid single domain name part (that cannot contain a dot, .), are routed to the application. This is useful for accepting different kinds of traffic on different domain names, such as for allowing your users to serve content from their own subdomains. Only domains support the additional part. Google Apps domains do not. You can determine which domain name was used for the request in your application code by checking the Host header on the request. Here’s how you check this header using Python and webapp: class MainHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler): def get(self): host = self.request.headers['Host']

self.response.out.write('Host: %s' % host)

80 | Chapter 3: Configuring an Application App IDs and Versions Every App Engine application has an application ID that uniquely distinguishes the app from all other applications. As described in Chapter 2, you can register an ID for a new application using the Administration Console. Once you have an ID, you add it to the app’s configuration so the developer tools know that the files in the app root directory belong to the app with that ID. This ID appears in the domain name. The app’s configuration also includes a version identifier. Like the app ID, the version identifier is associated with the app’s files when the app is uploaded. App Engine retains one set of files and frontend configuration for each distinct version identifier used dur- ing an upload. If you do not change the app version in the configuration before you upload files, the upload replaces the existing files for that version. Each distinct version of the app is accessible at its own domain name, of the following form: When you have multiple versions of an app uploaded to App Engine, you can use the Administration Console to select which version is the one you want the public to access. The Console calls this the “default” version. When a user visits your Google Apps domain (and configured subdomain), or the domain without the version ID, she sees the default version. The domain containing the version ID supports an additional domain part, just like the default domain:

Unless you explicitly prevent it, anyone who knows your application ID and version identifiers can access any uploaded version of your appli- cation using the URLs. You can restrict access to nondefault versions of the application by using code that checks the domain of the request and only allows authorized users to access the versioned do- mains. You can’t restrict access to static files this way. Another way to restrict access to nondefault versions is to use Google Accounts authorization, described later in this chapter. You can restrict access to app administrators while a version is in development, then replace the configuration to remove the restriction just before making that version the default version.

All versions of an app access the same datastore, memcache, and other services, and all versions share the same set of resources. Later on, we’ll discuss other configuration files that control these backend services. These files are separate from the configuration files that control the frontend because they are not specific to each app version.

App IDs and Versions | 81 There are several ways to use app versions. For instance, you can have just one version, and always update it in place. Or you can have a “dev” version for testing and a “live” version that is always the public version, and do separate uploads for each. Some de- velopers generate a new app version identifier for each upload based on the version numbers used by a source code revision control system. You can have up to 10 active versions. You can delete previous versions, using the Administration Console. Application IDs and version identifiers can contain numbers, lowercase letters, and hyphens.

App IDs and Versions in Python For a Python app, the application ID and version identifier appear in the app.yaml file. The app ID is specified with the name application. The version ID is specified as version. Here is an example of app.yaml using dev as the version identifier: application: ae-book version: dev This would be accessible using this domain name:

App IDs and Versions in Java The app ID and version identifier of a Java app appear in the appengine-web.xml file. The app ID is specified with the XML element , and the version identifier is specified with . For example: ae-book dev As in the Python example, this version of this app would be accessible using this domain name:

Multithreading The Python 2.7 and Java runtime environments support handling multiple requests concurrently within each instance. This is a significant way to make the most of your instances, and is recommended. However, your code must be written with the knowl- edge that it will be run concurrently, and take the appropriate precautions with shared

82 | Chapter 3: Configuring an Application data. You must declare whether your code is “threadsafe” in your application config- uration. In Python, you specify the threadsafe value in app.yaml, either true or false: threadsafe: true In Java, you specify the element in appengine-web.xml: true

Request Handlers The app configuration tells the frontend what to do with each request, routing it to either the application servers or the static file servers. The destination is determined by the URL path of the request. For instance, an app might send all requests whose URL paths start with /images/ to the static file server, and all requests for the site’s home page (the path /) to the app servers. The configuration specifies a list of patterns that match URL paths, with instructions for each pattern. For requests intended for the app servers, the configuration also specifies the request handler responsible for specific URL paths. A request handler is an entry point into the application code. In Python, a request handler is a script of Python code. In Java, a request handler is a servlet class. Each runtime environment has its own interface for invoking the application.

The URL /form is reserved by App Engine and cannot be used by the app. The explanation for this is historical and internal to App Engine, and unfortunately this is easy to stumble upon by accident. This URL will always return a 404 Not Found error. All URL paths under /_ah/ are reserved for use by App Engine libraries and tools.

Request Handlers in Python All URL paths for Python apps are described in the app.yaml file, using the handlers element. The value of this element is a sequence of mappings, where each item includes a pattern that matches a set of URL paths and instructions on how to handle requests for those paths. Here is an example with four URL patterns: handlers: - url: /profile/.* script: userprofile.application

- url: /css static_dir: css

- url: /info/(.*\.xml)

Request Handlers | 83 static_files: datafiles/\1 upload: datafiles/.*\.xml

- url: /.* script: main.application The url element in a handler description is a regular expression that matches URL paths. Every path begins with a forward slash (/), so a pattern can match the beginning of a path by also starting with this character. This URL pattern matches all paths: url: /.* If you are new to regular expressions, here is the briefest of tutorials: the . character matches any single character, and the * character says the previous symbol, in this case any character, can occur zero or more times. There are several other characters with special status in regular expressions. All other characters, like /, match literally. So this pattern matches any URL that begins with a / followed by zero or more of any character. If a special character is preceded by a backslash (\), it is treated as a literal character in the pattern. Here is a pattern that matches the exact path /home.html: - url: /home\.html See the Python documentation for the re module for an excellent introduction to regular expressions. The actual regular expression engine used for URL patterns is not Python’s, but it’s similar. App Engine attempts to match the URL path of a request to each handler pattern in the order the handlers appear in the configuration file. The first pattern that matches determines the handler to use. If you use the catchall pattern /.*, make sure it’s the last one in the list, since a later pattern will never match. To map a URL path pattern to application code, you provide a script element. The value is the Python import path (with dots) to a global variable containing a WSGI application instance. The application root directory is in the lookup path, so in the example above, main.application could refer to the application variable in a Python source file named import webapp2

class MainPage(webapp2.RequestHandler): def get(self): # ...

application = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/', MainPage)], debug=True) The script value can also be a filesystem path (with slashes) from the application root directory to a Python source file whose name ends in .py. The script must conform to the Common Gateway Interface standard, which describes how the request data is available on the standard input stream and environment variables, and how the code should emit the response headers and body to the standard output stream. This kind of script is supported for backward compatibility with components designed for the

84 | Chapter 3: Configuring an Application older Python 2.5 App Engine runtime environment, which didn’t have the option of a WSGI import path. If the frontend gets a request whose path matches a script handler, it routes the request to an application server to invoke the script and produce the response. In the previous example, the following handler definition routes all URL paths that begin with /profile/ to the application defined in a source file named - url: /profile/.* script: userprofile.application The URL pattern can use regular expression groups to determine other values, such as the script path. A group is a portion of a regular expression inside parentheses, and the group’s value is the portion of the request URL that matches the characters within (not including the parentheses). Groups are numbered starting with 1 from left to right in the pattern. You can insert the value of a matched group into a script path or other values with a backslash followed by the group number (\1). For example: - url: /project/(.*?)/home script: apps.project_code.\ With this pattern, a request for /project/registration/home would be handled by the WSGI application at

Request Handlers in Java A Java web application maps URL patterns to servlets in the deployment descriptor (web.xml). You set up a servlet in two steps: the servlet declaration, and the servlet mapping. The element declares a servlet. It includes a , a name for the purposes of referring to the servlet elsewhere in the file, and the , the name of the class that implements the servlet. Here’s a simple example: ae-book aebook.MainServlet The servlet declaration can also define initialization parameters for the servlet. This is useful if you want to use the same servlet class in multiple servlet declarations, with different parameters for each one. For example: ae-book aebook.MainServlet colorscheme monochrome background

Request Handlers | 85 dark To map a servlet to a URL path pattern, you use the element. A mapping includes the that matches a servlet declaration, and a : ae-book /home/* The URL pattern matches the URL path. It can use a * character at the beginning or end of the pattern to represent zero or more of any character. Note that this wildcard can only appear at the beginning or end of the pattern, and you can only use one wildcard per pattern. The order in which URL mappings appear is not significant. The “most specific” matching pattern wins, determined by the number of nonwildcard characters in the pattern. The pattern /* matches all URLs, but will only match if none of the other patterns in the deployment descriptor match the URL. JSPs are supported, as servlets invoked from other servlets, as servlets named explicitly in the descriptor, and as standalone servlets mapped to URL paths that resemble their file paths. If a request path does not match an explicit URL pattern in the deployment descriptor but does match the path to a .jsp file from the root of the WAR (and the .jsp file is not under WEB-INF/), the JSP servlet will be compiled and invoked.

Static Files and Resource Files Most web applications have a set of files that are served verbatim to all users, and do not change as the application is used. These can be media assets like images used for site decoration, CSS stylesheets that describe how the site should be drawn to the screen, JavaScript code to be downloaded and executed by a web browser, or HTML for full pages with no dynamic content. To speed up the delivery of these files and improve page rendering time, App Engine uses dedicated servers for static content. Using dedicated servers also means the app servers don’t have to spend resources on requests for static files. Both the deployment process and the frontend must be told which of the application’s files are static files. The deployment process delivers static files to the dedicated servers. The frontend remembers which URL paths refer to static files, so it can route requests for those paths to the appropriate servers. The static file configuration can also include a recommendation for a cache expiration interval. App Engine returns the cache instructions to the client in the HTTP header along with the file. If the client chooses to heed the recommendation (and most web

86 | Chapter 3: Configuring an Application browsers do), it will retain the file for up to that amount of time, and use its local copy instead of asking for it again. This reduces the amount of bandwidth used, but at the expense of clients retaining old copies of files that may have changed. To save space and reduce the amount of data involved when setting up new app in- stances, static files are not pushed to the application servers. This means application code cannot access the contents of static files by using the filesystem. The files that do get pushed to the application servers are known as “resource files.” These can include app-specific configuration files, web page templates, or other static data that is read by the app but not served directly to clients. Application code can access these files by reading them from the filesystem. The code itself is also accessible this way. There are ways to specify that a file is both a resource file and a static file, depending on which runtime environment you are using.

Static Files in Python We’ve seen how request handlers defined in the app.yaml file can direct requests to scripts that run on the app servers. Handler definitions can also direct requests to the static file servers. There are two ways to specify static file handlers. The easiest is to declare a directory of files as static, and map the entire directory to a URL path. You do this with the static_dir element, as follows: handlers: - url: /images static_dir: myimgs This says that all the files in the directory myimgs/ are static files, and the URL path for each of these files is /images/ followed by the directory path and filename of the file. If the app has a file at the path myimgs/people/frank.jpg, App Engine pushes this file to the static file servers, and serves it whenever someone requests the URL path /images/people/frank.jpg. Notice that with static_dir handlers, the url pattern does not include a regular ex- pression to match the subpath or filename. The subpath is implied: whatever appears in the URL path after the URL pattern becomes the subpath to the file in the directory. The other way to specify static files is with the static_files element. With static_files, you use a full regular expression for the url. The URL pattern can use regular expression groups to match pieces of the path, then use those matched pieces in the path to the file. The following is equivalent to the static_dir handler above: - url: /images/(.*) static_files: myimgs/\1 upload: myimgs/.*

Static Files and Resource Files | 87 The parentheses in the regular expression identify which characters are members of the group. The \1 in the file path is replaced with the contents of the group when looking for the file. You can have multiple groups in a pattern, and refer to each group by number in the file path. Groups are numbered in the order they appear in the pattern from left to right, where \1 is the leftmost pattern, \2 is the next, and so on. When using static_files, you must also specify an upload element. This is a regular expression that matches paths to files in the application directory on your computer. App Engine needs this pattern to know which files to upload as static files, since it cannot determine this from the static_files pattern alone (as it can with static_dir). While developing a Python app, you keep the app’s static files in the application di- rectory along with the code and configuration files. When you upload the app, App Engine determines which files are static files from the handler definitions in app.yaml. Files mentioned in static file handler definitions are pushed to the static file servers. All other files in the application directory are considered resource files, and are pushed to the application servers. As such, static files are not accessible to the appli- cation code via the filesystem. The Python SDK treats every file as either a resource file or a static file. If you have a file that you want treated as both a resource file (available to the app via the filesystem) and a static file (served verbatim from the static file servers), you can create a symbolic link in the project directory to make the file appear twice to the deployment tool under two separate names. The file will be uploaded twice, and count as two files toward the file count limit.

MIME types When the data of an HTTP response is of a particular type, such as a JPEG image, and the web server knows the type of the data, the server can tell the client the type of the data by using an HTTP header in the response. The type can be any from a long list of standard type names, known as MIME types. If the server doesn’t say what the type of the data is, the client has to guess, and may guess incorrectly. By default, for static files, App Engine makes its own guess of the file type based on the last few characters of the filename (such as .jpeg). If the filename does not end in one of several known extensions, App Engine serves the file as the MIME type application/ octet-stream, a generic type most web browsers treat as generic binary data. If this is not sufficient, you can specify the MIME type of a set of static files by using the mime_type element in the static file handler configuration. For example: - url: docs/(.*)\.ps static_files: psoutput/\1.dat upload: psoutput/.*\.dat mime_type: application/postscript This says that the application has a set of datafiles in a directory named psoutput/ whose filenames end in .dat, and these should be served using URL paths that consist of

88 | Chapter 3: Configuring an Application docs/ , followed by the filename with the .dat replaced with .ps. When App Engine serves one of these files, it declares that the file is a PostScript document. You can also specify mime_type with a static_dir handler. All files in the directory are served with the declared type.

Cache expiration It’s common for a static file to be used on multiple web pages of a site. Since static files seldom change, it would be wasteful for a web browser to download the file every time the user visits a page. Instead, browsers can retain static files in a cache on the user’s hard drive, and reuse the files when they are needed. To do this, the browser needs to know how long it can safely retain the file. The server can suggest a maximum cache expiration in the HTTP response. You can configure the cache expiration period App Engine suggests to the client. To set a default cache expiration period for all static files for an app, you specify a default_expiration value. This value applies to all static file handlers, and belongs at the top level of the app.yaml file, like so: application: ae-book version: 1 runtime: python api_version: 1

default_expiration: "5d 12h"

handlers: # ... The value is a string that specifies a number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds. As shown here, each number is followed by a unit (d, h, m, or s), and values are separated by spaces. You can also specify an expiration value for static_dir and static_files handlers individually, using an expiration element in the handler definition. This value overrides the default_expiration value, if any. For example: handlers: - url: /docs/latest static_dir: /docs expiration: "12h" If the configuration does not suggest a cache expiration period for a set of static files, App Engine does not give an expiration period when serving the files. Browsers will use their own caching behavior in this case, and may not cache the files at all. Sometimes you want a static file to be cached in the browser as long as possible, but then replaced immediately when the static file changes. A common technique is to add a version number for the file to the URL, then use a new version number from the app’s

Static Files and Resource Files | 89 HTML when the file changes. The browser sees a new URL, assumes it is a new re- source, and fetches the new version. You can put the version number of the resource in a fake URL parameter, such as /js/code.js?v=19, which gets ignored by the static file server. Alternatively, in Python, you can use regular expression matching to match all versions of the URL and route them to the same file in the static file server, like so: - handlers: url: /js/(.*)/code.js static_files: js/code.js expiration: "90d" This handler serves the static file js/code.js for all URLs such as /js/v19/code.js, using a cache expiration of 90 days.

If you’d like browsers to reload a static file resource automatically every time you launch a new major version of the app, you can use the mul- tiversion URL handler just discussed, then use the CURRENT_VERSION_ID environment variable as the “version” in the static file URLs:
